The Summer We Would Regret A summer full of wonder. Two different girls from different worlds. Ran away from home no coming back. Wild and free met two flashy pimps. That took advantage of them when they where drunk. Took turns with the girls like they where nothing. Never took them home took them out of state . Where they will be beaten and made out of sex slaves. Trick turn every trick turned the boys need they money . Beautiful Jasmine and Jody are nothing now . One with a baby and one on drugs. The girls made a vow to stay together forever and they did . One day they fled the pimps and returned home 5 yrs later Jodie's mother dead and Jasmine mother gone crazy . #life has passed them by because they where too ready to fly. All the girls had was each other sweet home Alabama they was back with nothing. Tears and blood , dead hope. Jodie and Jasmine a story of true hope and sisterhood.

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