dare i set sail? dare i set sail' dare i set sail to fall in love?,the Water-Lilly Island out in the blue depths. dare i leave port and weath'r treacherous seas once more? pull the hitch and gull wing, tack,tack,tack,jibe steady arm on the rudder at all times. yet when I find the chest,i am lost. after whirlpool and great marlin i find my breath away with the wind. the Island is tropic, coconuts on each long tan tree, but it's not the beach i seek, it's the heart of the jungle, deep. her vine's entangle me caress my legs, throwing herself around me the thick canopy and thistle defend against moonlight and lighthouse, i am left in the dark. but a few more paces in,i'd stand in the clearing of her heart so dare i set sail?, am I ready to embark?to face the winds,water,the everlong dark is my humble vessel ready for such a rush? looking out onto a calm sea when day is dawning,salao says; 'red sky this morning'

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