übersetzen   10 Jahre

Pretty Prison Cell Cage, gold-gilded by wagging tongues speaking kind-hearted words that lack wisdom, paint the bars, paint the image of what #life could be if I simply –list your credentials here please, – wings clipped, otherwise ‘one could smash into the window and break!’ you can never fall if you never really fly, never tumble if you don’t leave the nest, but you just wanted to feel the breeze outside, they let you see it but remind you it isn’t achievable, not even believable, behind the restrictions and in that pretty prison you are safe, and sure beyond the glass they look happy, but here you’ll never face the hawks and falcons and storms besides a rattling of the panes, and though the water tastes stale you’ll never go thirsty, and the seed might seem dry but you’ll always be full, forever lovingly, tenderly, kindly |confined.|

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