Translate   9 years ago

Chapter 3 Part 2 So, after I got off the Phone with him I was so happy! I missed him so much and I was so worried...He means the world to me...Anyway, I went home not long after and did chores...n' that was about it... I went to sleep that night just fine. So, I made sure I slept in because my brother had a baseball game at 5:30PM. My brother played for Fairchance ballfeild. It was fall ball so it was pretty cold well, at night anyway... When the time came to go to the ballfeild we hopped in the car. We, love the park they have there. When we got there my friend Emily was there! "Hey!" I yelled scaring her. "Hey! you wanna go over towards the ducks?" She asked. "Ya, let me make sure I'm aloud first." I said. So, my Mom said as long as I stay with Emily and we left. Emily is a very weird friend. So, we were walking and she was talking to me about basketball...when we saw a duck...It was amazing! It had a bunch of purple feathers. We were admiring it when we realized it had plastic stuck to it's foot! "Emily! Look! It has plastic stuck to it's foot!" I said. "Should we try to help? We, could get bit..." Emily said. "Well, we can try... I mean a bite is worth saving a #life..." I said to Emily. So, we were slowly creeping up on the duck when it realized that we were coming it started running. "NO! Come back...

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