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The Lost Cat Of Ember City Chapter 1 CRASH!!!!!!!! The guard woke up and got his flash to see what it was.A black flash swoop by the guard.The guard's light followed moving flash.The guard started to say, "come out a I am not afraid of you.The guard said in very shaky voice.Like if he his teeth were chattering in the cold.He saw a fuzzy little cat he said, "here kitty,kitty,kitty"The guard said in soft calm voice. The kitten hissed at him because she was mistaking as cat,and not a kitten.The kitten jump on his face and started to claw the guards face. The Guard through the kitten down.The guard said "some one get that cat " The guard scream woke up ever one at the factory .The guards were to late, the kitten ran out the window. The kitten was lost ,she was lost from home.Lost from her city Ember.That her name was Ember ,her mother named after the city.Ember had no family h er family got captured by that very guard.The guard tok the her parents to a shelter that kills every animal.Ember hasn't Seen them since she left.Her friend Dotty ,is the only one she gots Ember has been lost for months.Try to find her city for so long .No cat is aloud to leave the city ,unless if they are a hunter.Girls in the city are not aloud to hunt.So Dotty leaves in the middle in the night .When no guards are out.She hasn't found her .The city is in a sewer At the bottom of Texas. Dotty has gone as far as Oklahoma. Chapter 2 Ember is in the ruins of Kansas.Ember was walking across a old little barn ,and a brick house.She recognize the place ,but it didn't come to her.The house looks like it has been hit by a tornado . Ember went up on the steps ,and saw 2 big chairs,and cat bed the size of baby bed,she saw a chair that looks like a medium kid could fit in it.She recognize the little cat bed.It almost felt like she lived here.Her heart just shattered .Ember Started to get a tear in her eye. She shook her head and put on a serious face and walk,through a hole . Ember saw many pictures of cats , and pictures of litter of cats .BUMP!!!!A little book drop on the floor it was the size of little girls hands.Ember blowed off the very old dust,it was old leather bounded journal.There was A picture of little girl it said Amber's Diary .With a picture of a little girl.With a cat that as black the night. There was strap on the diary and pin .Ember got the diary on.She thought for a second , the cats look more like her than her other parents.But it couldn't .Ember was rase in Ember City .Not a old barn thats been left to sit and rot like a old piece of fruit .CRASH!!!!! Chapter 3 "Who's there?!"A little book came down ,but it was little bigger than the diary.Ember blowed off the dust it said ,The Jackson Family Photo book.She saw picture of the little girls family.Amber the girl was 12 years old when she left the barn .It dated 1929 ,Ember notice they moved a year ago.It showed picture of the same cat but there was another cat but,it was female and was look like Ember.But ember knew it wasn't her mom there are many cats that look alike.But her real parents that died mom was a soiled gray and the dad was a soiled black. Ember read the diary it said, Amber ,Jackson , Topeka,Kansas, January 10 1925 Dear Diary, today is my birth day I'm turning 8 years old.I only got 2 things for my nbirthday.This diary with a picture of me on the front,and a kitten.I opend the present ." WHAT I GOT A KITTEN!!!!!!!!!!"I screamed s o loud the people next to us had to tell us to quiet down.I live in the barn far outside of town.My family owns the barn it is the size of rich mans two story hous.But its all eaten by many tornados .The people who live with me is my ma,pa and my Rose.We little in are house.2 rooms, the size of poor mans room,And a out house out side and in side. My ma is sending me to school because as kids.For my parents they couldn't send them to school because they no money or any thing to give away.I go to little school house.With kids every age to learn different things.I wish I could go to a rich school with kids my age in my class.But my ma had no way of doing that.My dad has been looking for a rich job.So we can have more and rebuild are house and barn .God bless you all , Amber Ember had to keep a secret from ever cat.Even Dotty.Ember thought about but her that got captured were fruads. Ember jump on the table in the living room.She open the photo book and saw different kittens that look like her and her mom,and dad that wasn't killed.She saw other kittens that look like her and mom and dad.But with one with green eyes,1 with hazel ,2 with sand yellow,1 with gray eyes.1 kitten had blue the kitten was. Ember could not believe that it was kitten that looked exactly like her at the age of 2 weeks old.She saw a dusty map writing that said.But Ember couldn't read so she blowed as hard as the big bad wolf.She saw the writing Ember couldn't believed what she saw.She felt like she was going to exploed. She nearly fainted .The writing had names on it. Chapter 4 The names had pictures of kittens;Emerald the green eyed cat,Moose the hazel eyed kitten, Luna and Midnight the yellowed kittens,Misty the gray eyed kitten,blue eyed kittens name is ........Ember.Ember screamed as loud as a train whistleShe nearly fainted ,Ember fell back and a THUMP!!!!!!!Ember fell back. Ember fell through floor.HOOT!!HOOT!!!!!!Ember fell in the basement .that was ready fall apart .Ember saw a old hay bail,probably was a bed for her mother .Ember jump on the hay bail,and walk to the end RING!!!!!Ember pick it up it was red home made collar,with a wooden tag .A named that said Ember.Ember search around the house and every where but she couldn't find any more collars. Ember eyes were dragging and keep on blinking .She got out Amber Jacksons diary and start to read;January 13 1925, Dear diary , I decided to name my cat Oreo,after the cookie name.In September I will go to the school house.Why do I have to go to school? Already I know much I know how to read,write, math and I know how to cook,10+4=14.See I know how to do school work. My dad has been looking for jobs in the daily paper.I have been worried about pa ,he has been moving around the house,never goes to sleep,always making coffee ,and shaking rationally like dog. "Amber,go feed the animals ," said Ma. I went outside to feed the cows,chickens and pigs.I went to the chicken coop ,MEOW!!!I saw a little black ball in the chicken feed.I was a night black male cat Oreo,was female cat. "Poor little guy,he is just a kitten,"Amber thought real hard ,"that's it! I can take the male cat,and Amber could have kittens.I'll name you ,Tom ." I snook Tom in my bag with the feed. I went down in the basement or shelter ,where Oreo is.She is laying on the hay bail in`1 1111111111111111111111 `jjjj

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