Translate   9 years ago

Sometimes in our journey through #life we go through the valley of the shadow of death. In these valleys we grapple with the rising temperature and the ever increasing darkness that seem to make our journey impossible. There are times we desire to end it all in the valley because we are left with no help. It seems no one hears our silent screams nor sees our unending tears. Those we trust betray and those our lives depend upon, get fed up. Most often we look into the future but see only fears, our insecurities are robing us of our present joy and the tears that have flooded our eyes are circumventing us from the opportunities that lie ahead. How do we break out of this cocoon of imprisonment? We must trust God no matter what. If He allowed you to go down to the valley, He will lead you to the mountain top. In the valley, people will see your scars but on top of the mountain, they will see your stars. Don't give up when all hope is lost, the one who called you is Faithful!

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