Traducciones   10 años

Hello. I am one to laugh, I am one cry. I am one to write! ...or at least, try. The world is my notebook, And is full of scribbles. From the tip of my quill, The ink will dribble. Bear with me for I may stray Onto your page and back I may Your words, on which, my head will lay And there it will, indefinitely stay. I am unwritten, I am untried. I am unsure, I am one side. Test you may, Prod you might. Do what you will, I am for sight. But only for one single showcase; My leap will surpass your meander-slow pace, Come near me, I dare you, have a taste, But tomorrow there will be all but a trace.

  • Me gusta
  • Amor
  • HaHa
  • WoW
  • Triste
  • Enojado