Translate   9 years ago

The Special Secret Place By: Haley Cassells Ella "Ella do you want to have the sleepover at your house or at my house, just so we can be able to go to our SECRET area." Ella said. Hannah. "I think we should have it at your house because you little sister will find out the secret and tell on us for not letting her in" Hannah whispered into the phone. Narrator. "Then Hannah got into the car and her Mom drove her over to Ella's house for the sleepover. When Hannah got to the house she said bye to her Mom and they both went straight up into her room and we're going to spend some time on the plan they were going to make to go to the SECRET hiding place. Jake. "What are you nerds up to now" Jake yelled. Ella "Get out of my room or I am going to tell Mom!" Ella yelled. Hannah. "You guys don't start fighting again" Hannah said very calm. Ella '' Why do you always get into my personal space!!!!".................

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