Anxiety 27 March, 2015 Anxiety.. Posted in : new today on March 27, 2015 by : Louise What IS Anxiety? Feelings of Panic. WORRY. Uncertainty. FEAR. Tension. Always focusing on the NEGATIVE & IMAGINING the worst. MOST of us have experienced some form of Anxiety in our lives. Such as ANXIETY before a big event or when faced with an ISSUE. All of which is totally normal. For some of us anxiety continues on AFTER a difficult situation has passed. Anxiety can cause PHYSICAL issues as well as mental issues, such as Palpitations, Trembling, Feeling tired, dry mouth, nausea & sleep issues. ANXIETY DISORDER is a serious condition with CONSTANT feelings of FEAR & UNCERTANITY & can interfere with an individuals ability to live #life. Anxiety disorders can be inherited or can stem from trauma such as domestic violence, bullying, drug or alcohol abuse. The EXACT cause of Anxiety is not known. Anxiety may be similar to #depression in that there can be an imbalance of chemicals in the brain witch control emotions.. if anxiety is affecting how you WANT to live your #life – seek some help today. Anxiety takes a heavy toll While it may be difficult to make that decision in seeking help as, for some, part of anxiety can be that an individual feels they are ‘being judged’ , ‘Silly’ or ‘Useless’. RECONGISING that anxiety is very common can be difficult for some people. FACING up to anxiety & understanding it, is the first step in getting help. Writing out your fears at least until you are READY to speak with family, friends or in keeping it totally private with your GP. LEARNING how to reduce anxiety with ‘ this cannot go on attitude’ De-Clutter your brain from your fears & worries imagine placing them into a box if only for a few hours. You cannot solve your problems when you are crippled with worry! you HAVE to separate the two. Is worrying actually going to solve my problem? Absolutely NOT. YOU have to ask yourself , CAN I solve this problem? IF it is an issue that you HAVE to face consider your options, there may not be a perfect solution, remember, you cannot change circumstances beyond your control. Remember that anxiety is an emotion. ACCEPT that you are feeling this emotion for what it is, like other emotions- Anxiety can be treated, You CAN & WILL manage your anxieties. You may have lost your appetite due to high levels of anxiety BUT looking after your nourishment is vital. Good nutrition wont cure anxiety but can help the body function at is best in times of stress. Help the natural way… Chamomile Tea – Can have a calming affect Whole-Grains – A deficiency in Magnesium can lead to emotional issues Blueberries – A super SUPER food not to be missed out on. Benefiting the brain & full of antioxidants which are also beneficial in stress relief. Almonds – contain ZINC which is excellent in maintaining a balanced mood Dark Chocolate – Just excellent in general for all emotions! Turkey, Chicken, Nuts, Bananas, & Cheese all contain the amino acid Tryptophan – which helps the brain produce feel good chemicals & also aids in the production of serotonin. B VITAMINS are very essential for the nervous system. A deficiency in B vitamins will affect your mood. Try to gain your B vitamins from food before you consider supplement. Beef, Chicken, Greens, Nuts & Citrus fruits. STAY HYDRATED – with water- try AVOID caffeine & refined carbohydrates as are both stimulants that will worsen anxiety. AVOID alcohol & smoking. EXERCISE- It has been proven, that for most people regular exercise helps reduce feelings of anxiety & #depression as it helps the brain cope better with stressful situations. If going natural isn’t helping you… If you feel you cannot cope with anxiety it is best to speak with your GP. Be open & honest, tell your GP how it is. Do not feel like you have to hold anything back, as your GP is there to help you. Write out your concerns, Make a list of what you would like to speak to your Doc about – what causes your anxiety? Note any traumatic experiences? How long have you been feeling this way? & How anxiety is affecting your #life.. Your GP will evaluate, guide & provide you with the best possible care. Be patient in finding the right solution for YOU. Everyone responds different to treatment. Finding & working a treatment that is tailor made for your individual needs may take a little time, BUT it will be very much worth the time & effort. L,x
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