Memories Of You I awoke with a jolt, the memories of you slowly fading. I sigh, roughly running my fingers through my short hair. I tug harshly at the ends, wanting more than anything to forget the memory of you. Yet every night I fail, and every night I sit on my roof and wonder. Climbing out of the window takes my mind off the regrets I have, but the moonlight makes me think and the stars make me cry. I cry because I miss the memories, I miss the starry nights where we would run down the streets, filling the night with laughter. I miss holding your hand and falling upon the grass on my front lawn, then climbing up to my roof in order to gaze at the stars above us. We'd lie there forever, pouring of souls out to each other. And finally when the dim stream of sunlight peaked from behind the mountains, we'd sit up and hold each other. We'd sit there, watching the sunrise, wondering how something could be so incredibly beautiful, yet simple. And you'd say "it reminds me of you".

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