Translate   9 years ago

The Demon's Egg Once, long ago a demon laid an egg. The egg was red with small black spines on it. Legends said that one day the egg would hatch during a lightning storm in a hole that would be struck by lightning at night. It would grow up to be a huge demon that was red with black spikes on it's back and huge fangs and it would breathe fire and it's roar was so terrifying that it could scare a dragon away! It had huge black bat wings and sharp claws. Legend also said that one day a brave knight would find the sacred sword called the night's edge and slain the demon. One day that did happen except the knight was a girl. The girl became the knight of a castle called minecrone in a town called minecraftia on a planet called minecraft. Minecraft was very similar to Earth except everything was made of squares. She was happy there.

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