Translate   9 years ago

WAAAAAAAAHHHBOOOM!!!!! A massive tree fell down onto the school play ground. Hundreds and hundreds of kids were running for there #life. I was pulled anxiously across the school playground. " well why did you nearly kill us all" said mrs Johnson (the headmistress) " what was it that made you angry enough to chop down a school tree." " Nothing" I said " What do you nothing it was obviously something" shouted mrs Johnson. "Eeeerrr nothing just private." "Huh you are joking aren't you. Well if it were private you must of thought that we all didn't see that tree fall down." Said mrs Johnson. What secret are you hiding. "Well" shouted mrs Johnson. "I aynt hiding no secret "I said And of course shouting at a teacher like that would get me mum in so I just stayed quiet.

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