Fire Burn Brighter In The Darkness. Fire Burns Brighter in the Darkness Chapter 1 "Name?" "Casey Files." "Date of birth?" "September 2nd" "What year?" "2041" "Your name us Casey Files, and your 19 years old, is that correct?" "Yes, that's right." "Please sign here." I picked up the pen, my hand shaking from the cold, and signed the bottom corner of the paper, trying to keep an eye on the man's face, making sure he didn't pull out a stele right here. This is silly, I thought to myself, he wouldn't show himself around this many mortals. I returned the form, searching through the crowd of mortals in the office, I was looking for my partner, with wild red hair, eyes as dark and black as coal, and wearing a black leather jacket, in other words, my friend Kae. "Here you go ma'am." The man pulled out a package, drawing my attension back to him. "Thanks" I told him, but just before I turned to leave, I saw a gleam in his eye, that could only mean one thing... An Underworlder Transmitter! I kicked into action -litteraly- and delivered a roundhouse kick to his knee, which brought him down. Hd cried out in suprise. A group of mortals started to gather around us, gasping when they saw the U.W -Under worlder- and a few of then took out their phones, but the U.W got up, racing towards me, ramming into me full force. "Arg!" I cried out, then grabbed for my stele, just as he grabbed his. I ran towards him, aiming my stele towards his #lifesource, but he dodged it easily, so I got out my Knock Out Dust, I took a pinch of it, and right when he went to charge at me, I blew it in his face, knocking him out instantly. "Casey!" I heard someone yell, "Over here, Kae!" Kae came rudhing through the crowd of mortals, who were staring in amazement at me and the U.W. "Are you okay?" He asked me, gripping my shoulders, "Yeah." I answered, then walked over to the U.W and plunged my stele into his #life source. END OF CHAPTER 1

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