Azaelous Emissary I see you walking, Trudging Through the thickness of the storm-stricken field-- One foot in front of the other, Clumping mud makes you yield; You lose your footing; It's discouraging As you pant and heave. Self is feuding with Heart; Hope is desperate to cleave-- Cleave to safety and warmth But all #life is absent from your presence, Absent presently since your past, An existing void in your essence. Within the feud, your Self stumbles Because the Heart is trecherous; Making clarity of its mumbles Its intentions are venomous. Hope holds you up Above the fog of your Heart. Hope crystalizes the fact that it's been false from the start. Trudging next to you, There, It has always been; The ominous presence of this void Crosses paths with your first sin. It clings onto you as you Walk, Trudge, Pant, Heave. It takes root in you, Saturating your attempts to believe-- To believe in your victory, Your deserved happiness. I cheer madly from the sidelines Wishing to part your sea of sadness; And in my craze, You hear my silently dense shout-- Penetrating your mental maze, You catch a glimmer of your way out- A glimmer, A glimmer, A sliver of light-- Through the clumping mud You find rhythm and reason to fight. I see you walking and trudging Through the storm-stricken field Clumping mud makes you stumble But you won't surrender or yield. Panting and heaving You will meet the other side, And I'll keep cheering and beaming To help Discouragement subside. Into the thick of it, I see you treading a path through the field; Keeping pace with Determination, The power of Choice, You now wield. I will remain present in the company of your void, I will remain present-- The quintessence of Helplessness and supposed destiny Destroyed. Existing presently in your essence, I will remain present. Feb. 26, 2015 10:56pm (Written for and inspired by Azael)

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