Translate   9 years ago

A Demigod's Beginning "Pop quiz" Mr. Snider, our history teacher, says with a grin," And you cannot use your books..." He writes what we have to do on the board. I have dislexia, so it's hard for me to read what he writes. Even though he's strict, Mr. Snider isn't completely heartless. He always gives us a super easy bonus question. Today it is 'Who is your favorite Greek god?' I quickly jot down the first thing that comes to my mind- 'My favorite Greek god is Hades.' I was so lost in my thoughts about the question, I didn't realize Mr. Snider was still talking," ...after you finish that you can get on the laptops and finish your research on your culture for your report." Oh dang!! I had completely forgotten about that report! I haven't even started on it! I quickly finish the quiz, so I can try to start my report. I'm pretty sure I failed the quiz. I turn it in to Mr. Dylan, our student teacher. Mr. Dylan is doing a class for college. So he's spending the year with us. Mr. Dylan is 18, has jet black hair, and the brightest blue eyes. He's 18 and we have to call him 'Mr.' I don't get it. I head over to the laptops to start my research. As soon as I get on the Internet, I hear Dylan shout," Max!! Stop!! Don't get on the computer!" As soon as the words leave his mouth, something big crashes through the window. Two girls come through the window. Except they weren't human. They had wings and bird feet. One has brown wings, the other had red. Dylan runs up to me," Come on! We've got to leave now before they see you!" " What are those things and why would they want me?!!" I shout back. " Because your a Demigod!!", he says as if it's obvious. " Demi what?!" I wonder out loud. I add that to my list of things to interrogate him about later. " We're being attacked by eagles!!" one of my classmates shouts. Most of the other kids had already ran out of the room, including Mr. Snider. " Why can't they see the bird ladies?" I quietly ask Dylan. " Its a thing called the Mist. It hides monsters from mortal eyes." " Wait, your saying I'm not mortal?!!"I shout back. "I'll explain later. Right now we need to hide!"he replies," Get to the door." To late!! "There you are!," hisses one of the bird ladies. "Where are you going, Max?,"says the other,"Come over here so we can kill... I mean talk with you! Thank you so much for using that computer. Otherwise we might not have found you! So let's not dilly dally!" Then they charge!! "Run!!,"shouts Dylan. We run out of the classroom and head down the hall. The winged ladies aren't far behind us! They fly down the hall hissing for us to come back. We run into an empty classroom and shut and lock the door behind us. I look up and see that the room is the science room. I hear the bird girls screeching an banging on the door. Suddenly I have an idea. I whisper my idea to Dylan. " That just might work" Dylan says. I have always been good at making things. It was just something I picked up I guess. I know every part and tool there is, even though I never learned about it. We work quickly, mixing the right things together. Then we have our result. A make do bomb. We ease open the back door. The bird things are still clawing and screeching at the front door. Dylan lifts the bomb and hurles it straight at the girls. We heard a boom and looked to see what the result is. The bird ladies are gone, replaced by two piles of dirt. "We better head out" Dylan says. I could here police sirens getting closer. Someone must have called the cops. So we run down the hall and out the doors into the woods. "You better start explaining" I ask Dylan. "Well, those two girls were harpies." "Harpies? You mean like the Greek mythology?" "Exactly" Dylan replies. "So what's a demigod? And why did you call me one?" "Well, it means you're part human part Greek god." " you mean to tell me that it's all real? The stories that we learn about in history?" "Yes, it's all real. They'll be able to explain it better at camp." Dylan says. "Camp?" I ask. " I'm taking you to Camp Halfblood. It's a place for kids like us." He says. "Wait. You just said us. Are you a demigod to?" "Son of Apollo." He replies. "Whose my parent," I ask. "That depends. Who raised you?" He asks. " I've been in and out of foster care my entire #life." "Oh... I'm sorry " "It's ok."I say. That basically ended the conversation. We didn't say another word as we headed to camp. This story is based of of Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and the Olympians. It's my demigod story. If you want more demigod action read Percy Jackson!!! It's the best series ever!! Thank you for reading! Have a great day

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