Translate   9 years ago

Once upon a time there lived a little girl called jenny,her biggest dream was to fly and have super powers . But she couldn't, because she didn't have wings and she was born normally . Jenny also loved the film frozen,she really wants to be like elsa and have ice powers . One day at her school they were having a school fate, and had lots of different rides to go on . In the corner of Jenny's eye she saw a ride, and the ride looked good .She ran over to it and got in the line strait away . The ride was ... A flying ride, you get strapped in and fly off to a magical place , Jenny was so exited to go on the ride . She hopped on and went up and up and up . It was like she was flying in real #life ! When she got home she told her mum and dad that she had the best day ever . The end .

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