Translate   12 years ago

A Must Read Ranger's apprentice I started reading this series of books a year or two ago now, I've read a lot of books in my #life so far and a variety of stories but this buy far is the best thing I have have read. There are 11 books in total and they are all so catching and draw you in from the first paragraph. Ranger's apprentice is about a young boy named will who is trained to be a ranger by his mentor Halt. The connection these two character have together is so strong and realistic you feel as if you know these people on a personal level. There are also many other character such as Horace a young warrior who becomes best friends with Will, Gillian who is a former apprentice of Halt and claims he learnt from the best. Erik, a Skandian sea raider who is not as scary as he first seems and so many more characters that you come to bond with and love. Rangers are assigned to all parts of the country, they protect the kingdom with their unseen movement and incredible archery skills they are one of the most highly feared people in the land, although that reputation is more down to peoples misconception of them. Rangers keep themselves to themselves but always know everything there is to know in their part of the kingdom. During the Ranger's apprentice series you follow Will, Halt and the others, through torturous conditions, #life threatening situation and memories never to be forgotten. But will they all pull out in the end? My favourite books ever that I can read time and time again and laugh and cry and enjoy very moment. Book: Ranger's apprentice Author: John Flanagan

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