Translate   9 years ago

Rage Was Bubbling Up... The next day... The sun was rising on the horizon and I had woken up early enough to see it. As beautiful as it was, I couldn't let the sunrise distract me. I was on a mission: Stay Alive. I wasn't going to complete that mission staring at the sun all day- it would blind me if i attempted too anyway. I wasn't very hungry so I skipped breakfast. I looked at my food pile to see how much I had left (just in case) and there was barely anything. Most of it was bones so I decided it would be good to go searching for more some time soon. And off I went. I carried on walking until I came across another watering hole. A different watering hole. There was trees surrounded by the watering hole and underneath the furthest tree away from me was the biggest pile of food I have ever seen. I ran towards it, like nothing else in the world matters... But I didn't realise the HUGE mistake I'd made. And I only remembered that I should've checked for any other animals BEFORE running towards the meat once I'd seen the Lion's hidden behind the tree. It was too late... "Well, what do we have here?" Said the Alpha male, prowling out into full view. "Looks like a troublemaker." Replied another. I slowly backed away but it was no use. All of the Males surrounded me in the blink of an eye. "Always up to know good." He continued. The Lion's were all glaring at me, the evil look in their eyes made my spine shiver. "Leave her alone, she's just a cub." I heard a gentle, soft voice purr. Then, a tall, slender female bounded out into the light. She smiled at me and I instantly knew she was going to try to protect me. "You're scaring the little one," The alpha male turned around to look at her. "Don't you want an extra meal?" He spat. The brave Lioness puffed out her chest, "No, not if it means you hurting this cub I don't." Rage was bubbling up inside of the Alpha.......

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