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School Curriculum I'm never taught how to get a job, Or where money comes from, I'm not taught proper sex ed, Or my THIRTY Human Rights. We aren't given financial advice, But I can tell you Earth's distance from the Sun, Kids are taught to use a condom, But not how to look after a kid when they have one? I know about algebra, shapes and pi, But nothing about my personal health, I'm not taught what laws there are, But some are taught how not to GET RAPED, Instead of not TO RAPE. Domestic abuse? #depression? Anxiety? No. You can learn mental maths, Because I'm definitely not writing this on a calculator! Learning about Tudors over modern affairs? And the Trojan war over the current wars? What's going on?! When will I need this?! Why am I not prepared for later #life?! You make me choose what I want to be when I'm 13, But I'm clearer on b=mcx7+8 than that! You ask me about college, but what if I say no? You say 'parents are the problem!' But you don't teach them how to parent, So how is it there problem? I'm not given information on houses, Morgages, what are they? Taxes, bills, finding work! It's all Greek to me, But that's not how it should be!

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