Apparition Of A Once Good Man This is a repost of my own, I've done some editing since and think I smoothed a few things out but still I just can't get over the feeling that it's not finished, Through out this #life I walk with nearly a moment of joy to call my own, sometimes nothing more than a melancholic journey to a macabre ending. This pain that plagues my mind, my body, my soul. I kneel silently holding my blood drenched hands to my brow in this grungy hole I've found, a shard of solice to be mine own. The blood trickles the length of my grime covered face before a single drop from nose to chin splashes the puddle of tears that await. You may see before you a pitiful man whose become the disturbed creature he is before you by way of necessity through a corrupt and evil world. But you'd be wrong! No this thing before you now that causes your blood to curdle, and breath to labor at just this single site you've laid eyes. Was a man once with hope, with dreams, with aspirations, and a man who of few had truly loved, but lost! This creature you have before you is a simple apparition of a once good man, but no longer. Some say his path to desolation started the day his feet stepped into the Iraqi sands, through all of the horrors a man sees in a time of war on a blood soaked battlefield. Though I do not diminish such effects of the hell experienced in combat! But this apparition scathed the fires of hell, layed witness to the cruelties of man's hatred for one another, seen the living reduced to a mere mist of pink in the smog stained air. Tis true this fractured mind has paid the toll, left but a shell, a figment of a soul, walked the trail of misery and scorn, yet the scars most lasting are those of the heart once torn! © Nate Miller (Sgt, USMC Retired) 2015 #war #ptsd #heartache #broken #love in need of a little work.)

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