The Legend Of The Legendary Split Part 1 The Legend Of The Legendary Split A very long time ago lived a human spirit on the planet of Goddea. This human spirit was called God. God decided to make a friend and this friend would be a legend, her name you might ask is Victoria God. God was planing to create another world and call it Earth. Then God and Victoria would live on Earth. God thought that he would make Victoria a 'Split' and she will be the only 'Split' ever created. Victoria would be able to change her shape into 10 different things: legendary black ninja, mermaid,fire girl,jungle girl, Elf,Snow Queen,Seamtress,fairy, witch and a Metamorphmagus. When God was creating the world he gave Victoria the powers she needed a black arm that carried all her powers and a magical eye called 'The Eye Of Power' and if anyone touched it she would hurt them with her powers and if anyone touched her soul,she would turn into a red eyed,fire breathing jaguar. The only way to turn her human again was to say something that had love in it like"Victoria we need your love its important to us" because when someone touched her heart she had no effection of love in her body. As soon as God had finished making the world He and Victoria moved in and settled into the world and God gave Victoria an enchanted necklace... 30,000 years later As Victoria grew up she was given the power to change her age,she could become a baby or a old lady. But she decided to stay 9 for a long time and then she might change her age. As the human raise grew God thought it might be a good idea to get her down with the people of the world,so when someone was pregnant he would send her down to the human world. Victoria could also speak all the languages in the world from Galic to Chinese. God had forbid Victoria to show or tell people about her power of being a 'Split' and wear gloves at all times and only tell her parents about her powers but not show them. As Victoria got the hang of pretending to be a human God also made other gods and goddesses and they would be Victoria's sisters and brothers and as you might ask what about Jesus, Jesus was of course brought to the world on the 25th of December and died around Easter time and as you all know Jesus was brought back to #life again on Easter Day. Jesus became Victoria's brother and so was Mother Nature (except sister) they were Victoria's closets Siblings and the only ones (except God) to know about her powers. God felt as though he needed a wife and made the Goddess, so now there were 2*rulers Lord God and Lady Goddess... *god is still more important! 30,000 years later Victoria was now 3000,00000 years old and still alive but in this chapter everything goes right.Victoria was 9 and as always she walked in her to her school that she had been going to since about 1969 or something like that and her school was called Timmergreens Primary School. Victoria's new Mum was called Ms Janet Irving and her new Dad was called Mr David Mathieson and her older brother Ruaridh Mathieson and her half brother Camoron Mathieson and half sister Ashley Mathieson. Victoria was the most popular girl at school and still no-one knew about her powers. At school there were 2 new boys called James Diamond and Jason Durlo, they were the most annoying boys in school but then things got even worse another new boy came and his name was Jackson Druso and as you might have noticed all 3 of them had JD as their initials. As this Jackson Druso came Into the playground he saw Victoria and walked towards her brought her hand through of her glove and tried to kiss her hand but as his lips were about to touch her skin Victoria pulled her hand away and asked for her glove back but Jackson said no and he asked why and Victoria said nothing of your consurn and snachted her glove back and walked off. The next day as Victoria walked into school God spoke to her and said"Victoria,I want you to show everyone your powers by taking your glove off walking into the middle of the playground and show everyone at morning break Ok and only when I say the word then just let it go!" As Victoria went outside for morning break she sat down and started talking to one of her friends then God said "take your gloves off but don't let it go yet" Then God spoke again and said" walk into the middle of the playground and when i say 3 2 1 let it go just Let it go ok now 3 2 1 let it go!!!" And Victoria put her hand in the air and blue frozeness came out and everyone stopped and looked at her and everyone seemed so amazed!.... 2 Days Later Everyone seemed to know that Victoria was a 'Split' and she retold and retold her story over and over and over again.Then one day after school she felt terrible as the something had broken and it was love... A long time ago in 1754 Victoria was born to a young couple called Mr Fraser Welsh and Mrs Rose Welsh. Victoria was sent down as normal into the women's belly and surprisingly (not being sarcastic!) found another baby there. God couldn't remove our Vicky or he'd kill the women herself(and including the other baby). So Victoria became Victoria Welsh and her twin sister Matilda Welsh. At first Victoria didn't like Matilda but then she grew to love her.When they were both eleven Victoria and Matilda walked to school together and as soon as they got to school Matilda looked all pale and thin. After school the two girls were walking home then Victoria rememered she tennis practice she ran off too practice and Matilda doddeled her way home and when she got home her ma and pa send her to her bed because her pealy-waleyness. When Victoria got home Matilda wasn't there, Vicky asked her ma where she had put Matilda then her pa said "Victoria, Matilda is......... Dead. Then a few days later her ma and pa died of the same thing Cancer. After that Victoria has been allergic to love and Cancer. Right end of story back to Victoria now! When Vicky was walking to school and entered her school Jackson came up to her and said "i wanna sing you a song so here it goes #ooo ooo ooo yeh eh oo baby I lov-# just then as Jackson said Love everyone stared at him and as for Victoria she fell to the ground and as she did so a noise fell apon the playground an smashing noise as though Victoria's soul was breaking... Out of the fog and dust came a spirt, it was Matilda!! She spoke as if though she was just a memory and nothing else. Victoria looked and gasped"Matilda is it really you!" Matilda said"Hush now Vicky it is me" then just then Matilda disaspeared into thin air! Victoria lay there shocked and terrified then as you might of guessed Matilda reapered right in front of everyone's eyes! Victoria said"ooh I had an idea,Matilda come with me!!" 2 minutes later Victoria and spirit Matilda where in the clouds,they walked to the cloud temple where God was stationed. The door opened as Victoria knocked and Matilda's mouth fell open! Sitting in high grand gold and diamond chair(made by the elves of the north) sat his high lord the magistic spirt God.Victoria stepped forward and bowed low she elbowed Matilda to do the same(her elbow went right through Matilda!)and she bent down low then God said"rise my faithful servent and friend""sir" said Victoria"this is Matilda my sister I was wondering if I could borrow the..the..em.. the Mortal power please sir so could make Matilda mortal again?"" Hmm well all right then but to long and you know what you must do it's on that shelf over there ok goodbye remember and return it!!!!!!"said God.Victoria happily ran,got the bottle and ran all the way to her house with Matilda on the way she drank a drop of liquid,when they got to Victoria's house they stepped inside and closed the door.Victoria told Matilda to lie down on her bed and Victoria pulled out her wand and sang#Reatreve this girl,she is my #life. She fought and died for me,come let the her body be back and change my #life forever!!# Slowly but surely Matilda's spirt of a body slowly changed human once more. Matilda stood up and Victoria dragged her to the church so Matilda could have her Goddessing (göddêßëjdįñg) ceremony,she became the Goddess Of Animals.When Victoria and Matilda got to Victoria's earth home (she did return the bottle!),Victoria explained to her mother who Matilda was and where she came from.So from that day on Matilda became Victoria twin again until... 4 years later They where in Primary 5a and Matilda was getting along just fine with everyone at school and even better their mum was having girl twins!! Next bit coming soon!

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