Translate   9 years ago

Voices - Today So today has not been a good day. I've spent the entire time just trying to get through it. I feel so down. Everywhere, loud noises, clutter & anxiety. I don't know whether I just want to get through to tomorrow, or I'm scared tomorrow might be the same. Why is this happening to me? In fact a better question, what is happening to me? I'm supposed to be getting better.Would I class it a typical day? In my #life there's no such thing. I'm trying to look fine to the external eyes, but I know internally it's a different story. I spend my sleeping hours having nightmares, and my waking hours listening to far from complimentary comments. I'm hanging onto reality by a thread, and walking on a tightrope that I can't work out whether I'm going to fall off, or they're going to make me jump.

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