Vertalen   9 jaren geleden

A Short Jessie J Fictional Story. I sighed and looked at my wrist awkwardly. I wasn’t even wearing a watch, why did I continue to do that? I took one last sip of my cup of tea and put on my coat. I’d waited for my best friend for over an hour but she hadn’t turned up, again. I was getting fed up and frustrated with her. I paid for a “to go” cup of tea and walked out of the door. I threw the hood of my jacket over my head and put my thumbs through the holds on the sleeves. It was absolutely freezing and I needed to get home. I kept my eyes on the ground and that’s probably why I didn’t see her until it was too late. I walked straight in to someone, a woman. My tea spilt all over my jacket and burnt the skin on my chest. I screamed at the pain and shock of it. I looked up quickly and the woman was stood with her hands over her mouth, obviously in shock. “I am so sorry. Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” she asked, her worried eyes scanning over me. I shook my head, even though I was burnt. She saw me rubbing my chest awkwardly and put her arm around my shoulder, leading me back to the café. She took me straight in to the toilets, going in to the cubicle and coming out with some tissue paper. She ran it under the cold tap and then started to dab my chest lightly. I winced as the coldness made contact with my skin, stinging it ever so slightly. “I’m sorry babe” she said, looking up to me. I gave her a weak smile and she stood back, taking in my appearance. “I think that’s the best I can do, under the circumstances”. “Thank you” I replied, speaking to her for the first time since the encounter. My voice croaked a little and I felt my cheeks go bright red. “Aw, your cheeks match your chest now babe” she joked, “Let me buy you another drink, seeing as I selfishly spilt your other one”. I let her lead me back out to the café. I sat at the same table which I’d been at only 10 minutes before, alone, and soon after, she joined me, placing my cup in front of me. “I feel like I owe you a thousand drinks” she smiled, looking in to my eyes. I smirked, “Nah, its fine. I’ll survive” I replied, taking a sip of my tea. I could feel her eyes scanning over me, “thank you for the tea though” I continued, smiling at her brightly. I glanced up at her and we made eye contact. I felt a small spark run between us and then the girl looked down, blushing. “I’m Jessica, by the way” she said quietly, almost like she’d gone shy. I smiled to myself. I knew who she was, I’d known all along but I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. I’d seen her video’s on youtube after a friend had discovered her, and I’d had a crush on her for ages afterwards. “I know.” I replied, taking hold of her hand lightly. She looked back up at me and smirked, “oh?” We spent the next hour in the café, talking about ourselves and getting to know each other. She asked me to call her Jessie, or Jess, as it was easier. Before we knew it, it was 10pm and the café was closing. “Sorry girls, I’m going to have to ask you to leave now” said the owner, who came out from the back entrance. Jessie looked at me and smiled, “where next?” As we walked down the street, Jessie connected her arm with mine and rested her head on my shoulder. We got to the crossing lights and broke apart, “well, I’m heading this way” she smiled, taking hold of my hand, “It was lovely meeting you though.” She kissed my cheek and we quickly exchanged numbers before she ran across the road and headed home. I couldn’t help smiling to myself as I walked along the deserted streets. That girl was even more amazing in real #life. I didn’t care about the minor burns I’d received because I got to meet her and she made my stomach flutter. I put my headphones in and turned on my iPod, scrolling through shuffle until I found a song that perfectly fit my mood. I so wanted to dance my way home, to skip, run, something. But instead, I walked, slowly, day dreaming about Jessie. I could hear the distant sound of someone running behind me and the sound got louder the closer they got to me. With it being dark, I panicked in case it was a mugger. I grabbed hold of my bag and span around quickly, ready to confront them. Instead, I saw Jessie running towards me. I felt myself smiling automatically and she slowed down, coming to a stop in front of me. She was bent forward, holding on to her side, staring at the ground while trying to catch her breath. Eventually she stood up properly and looked me in the eye. “I… some..thing” she said, speaking in between breaths. She took hold of my hand and looked in to my eyes. “Oh?” I replied, mocking her in a way she’d said earlier. She raised her eyebrows in a playful way and leant forward, kissing me softly on the lips. “Yeah” she whispered, resting her forehead on mine, “I’ve wanted to do that all night”.

  • Respect!
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  • verdrietig
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