Translate   9 years ago

In The End, Vodka Burns She's a firm believer that coffee can take the pain away She lives day by day in a winter chill, getting the #life drained out of her before her very own piercing brown eyes And her mind is in a constant state of fog and bad weather. She never bothers to warn anyone to drive carefully. She's a heartbreaker, too cold to be hurt. Though you'd think her heart was already broken. She's quite, and sometimes dishonest. She doesn't ever want you to know how she feels, She doesn't even know herself. But she smiles often. And whenever she does, you'll be able to smell the coffee on her breath. You'll think you've fallen in love with her, when you've never even met her. Few people have. But she'll let you kiss her anyway, She's always searching for something to thaw out the ice in her veins. And when your lips intertwine, it will be the perfect blend of mad addictions. She'll be overwhelmingly fascinated with the intense mix of caffeine and alcohol, She will convince herself in love. One day while she's freezing cold and desperate for heat, she'll allow your vodka-tasting tongue to tangle with her own, and she'll let the cheap liquor seep into her pores. But in the end her throat will burn and her heart will be in flames. She needed so badly to be warmed But now she's on fire, You being the only person who can put her out But you won't know how, You never will. Because you were never capable of understanding a girl So black and white, with no grays in between. You were her heat And she had your heart But oh God, All she needed was her coffee.

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