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Jesses Not So Special #life Chapter 1 Jesse always thought of herself as a plain Jane, nothing special. At 21 years old she was 5'8" 140 lbs She had blonde hair and green eyes. She was a Tomboy but she liked to look pretty. In years while growing up she got attention from boys. She never understood why until she got older. She was shapely with a good bit on the top half of her. She knew that was the wrong type of attention, they just wanted in her pants. Then on the 2 occasions she was with someone long enough to be with them that way, after they had succeeded they usually didn't give her a second glance. No more attention. Then again She was used to being ignored. Her mother and father ere so busy hating each other they rarely paid attention to her unless they wanted her to play referee, messenger or mediator. So early on in #life, she learned to detach herself from her emotions. "Rooonald...have you seen Jesse?" screamed Jesse's mother, from the upstairs office. "Nooo...Melissa, and what? You couldnt come to the kitchen to ask me, or at least to the top of the stairs?" Jesse looked in the mirror. "And it starts." This is a common occurance with her parents. It had been years since they have spoke to one another without yelling. She sometimes wished they would just divorce and get it over with. It was 10am on a Saturday morning in the Mitchell house. "Im in the bathroom" yelled Jesse. She stood @ the mirror looking at herself as she brushed her hair. She was getting ready for work. She worked at Busted Butt Phones, in the mall. She had been there since he was 16. Then when she graduated they offered her a raise and a managers position if she stayed. They promised to work around her school schedule @ the local community college. So she stayed and traded in her uniform for a white dress shirt and black slacks. Thats exactly what she was headed to her room to put on. As she walked into her room, she looked around. It hadnt changed much since graduation. The same posters, Linkin Park and Pink Floyd. The same pictures, her and Natalie,her best female friend. Still the same pictures of her and Allen, in his parents basement, her best guy friend. Natalie and she had been friends since 8th grade, when they were in gym together. Allen she met in her Junior year on his first day when she caught him taring at her ass. They've been friends ever since. Natalie and Allen actually couldn't stand each other. Well, Natalie couldn't stand Allen. They used to date but Natalie was a heart breaker. So it only lasted 2 short months. Ever since she has found him irritating. Just as she put her shirt over her head, her cell phone rang. Jesse listened to it for a couple seconds, she loved her ring tone. It was the tune from Mario Bros. She took a quick look at her phone, it was Allen. "Hey you?" she said answering the phone. "Hey hot stuff, you gonna be stopping by today?" Allen replied. Most often, Jesse stopped at his place on her way to work. He only lives a couple of miles away from the mall. Plus he always makes her smile, makes her coffee, and always puts her in a better mood. She is usually in a crappy mood, because she hates living at home with her miserable parents. So it was sort of a ritual. "Yeah, Im just getting late start." she said. "Thats the story of our #life." he quipped. Which was mostly true. "I know, but my parents started arguing, so I got distracted." Jesse returned. " Well I want to make sure we get a quicky in." he joked laughing a little bit. "You are so wrong, Allen." she retorted. "I meant quick cup of coffee, you have a dirty mind Jesse." he slyly returned. "Give me 25 mins. Ill be there." she said, then hung up. Jesse was almost ready. She grabbed her flats, her clutch purse and her lipstick then ran down the steps and into the kitchen. Chapter 2 "I don't know why your always on my back about it, Ronald." complained Melissa. Her parents were fighting as usual. She wondered if she could get out of the house without getting drug into it No such luck "Jesse tell your father its important for e to express how I feel." said her mother "Yes, but you have a way of doing it where it makes others feel like shit." snapped her father. "Not everyone, just you." her mom snapped back. Jesse screamed with frustration. "Why do you guys insist on pulling me into your crap?""Im leaving, Im heading to work.""And don't call me there." she demanded. "But sweetie, we were supposed to talk about which apartments you wanted to go look at."her mother sadly stated. "Mom I will call and talk to you later, maybe on my lunch or something." With that Jesse walked out the door and to her truck. Her 2010 red Jeep Liberty with sunroof. One of the upsides of her job. The salary increase, the managers position and the fact she had been there for 5 years, allowed her to buy it. It was her second most prized possession. The first was her grandmothers wedding band Finally she was out of that house . She used to love that house She loved being there, with her parents. Then when her mother cheated on her father, when she was 14, things got bad. Her dad said he forgave her and they could wok things out. Since then things got louder, angrier and a lot worse. He had said he forgave her, but Jesse didn't think he did. He would constantly talk to her mom like he was angry. Her mother is obviously unhappy. Neither of them like the other but yet the wont divorce Jesse wondered if they stayed together thinking they were doing it for her. Like doing her a favor by being miserable together. Maybe when she was younger, but now? Its pointless. She was going down Sycamore Ave. towards Rt75. The main highway in the town of Stanton. It was a small town with 1 as station and 2 stores. She had lived here her whole #life. It was set in the middle of 3 larger cities, but the town itself was in the country. She didn't min that it was a small town where everyone knows your business or even that the smell f pig shit often wafted up and down he back country roads. Her whole #life was in that town. Jesse drove the whole 12 min ride to Allen's in absolute silence. She got to his place and turned off her truck. As usual, he was waiting outside for her. His building wasn't big at all. There was a total of 6 apartments. He lived on the 3rd floor./ They climbed the stairs to his place. They walked into his studio/efficiency apartment. He had moved there a year after graduation. Allen liked it at first. With the huge living/sleeping area, but he discovered when e brought girls home, the open floor plan wasnt ideal. Jesse and Allen walked into the kitchen and to the table. Allen grabbed 2 coffee mug and poured them each a cup. " So when are we moving?" he asked. "I dont know, like a month.""My mom and I are making a list of places for us to see." Jesse replied. Allen, Natalie and Jesse had decided to move in together, about 2 months ago. When Natalie had gotten a job as a bartender at a local Applbees. She was still living with her parents, and she hated it. They were nothig like Jesses, they were overbearing and over protective. Natalie was a knock out. She had bright, blood red hair. She often wore it in a off to the side 'Catness' french braid. She was 5'6", 130lbs and she was small yet a little curvy, with a very busty D cup. So, as Jesses grandmother would say, she had many gentleman callers. Nancy and Jack were Natalies grandarents. The took care of her since she was young, after her mother died. So from then on she considered them her parents. So thats what they call them. They were older and old fashioned so they didnt care much for Natalies late night visitors. Natalie rarely let them stay, but her parents still hated it. She was a free spirit and had the biggest heart. She honestly was the sweetest, most caring person you would ever meet but that of course was after you got to know her. She was hardendon the outside, but a complete softy on the inside. She wore mostly black, and at least on article of clothing or accessory was leather. So many people thought of her as goth. She didnt care much what people thought. She had said to Jesse "Why is everyone so quick to put labels on everyone, why cant I just be Natalie." she was upset and hurting that paticular day. Someone had trashed her art project , she had left in her locker. So to top it off she began wearing bright blood red lipstick to match her hair. So for her parents, relatively strict catholics, she was a sinner who was going to hell. What was sad was seceretly Natalie wanted their approval. She had went to college to be a nurse with a minor in forensic science. They had wanted her to be a nurse, and to go to college. After 2 symesters and no encouragment from them, she switched her major to Criminal Justice, and kept her minor the same. She wanted to be a crime scene investigator, which totaly suited her. That was the last straw for Nancy and Jack. They rarely speak to he anymore. So living there just wasnt working out. She called Jesse one day and asked if she would like to get a place together. Allen however still got along with his mom and stepdad, his parents got a divorce when he was 15. He lived with his mom afterward. He would see his dad every weekend though. All the way up until he died. His mom remarried his senior year of highschool. Allen liked Rich, he treated Jean good so there was never any of that step parent/step child animosity. Though a year after graduation he moved out of his parents house, for more privacy. His mom was a snoop. Plus she didn't allow random female visitors. He had to let her know first. Allen was a good looking guy. He was 5'9", light brown hair which he wore med length, swept to the side, (what most would call the shag/emo style). He was muscular but not to much, and he usually had at least a slight tan, which Jesse guessed was his natural pigment. Since he didn't tan. He had a great job doing construction. So with all that the women loved him. So yes he occasionally snuck women into his room, through his personal entrance in the basement. They rarely stuck around though, when they realized he actually had a personality and a heart, and wasn't just a pretty face. Women are just as shallow as men. Chapter 2

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