übersetzen   10 Jahre

Teenage Stupidity Midnight NewYork city, under a street light. Two teenagers stood out in the cold, smoking. "Y'know it could be worse" ,Dan said cheerfully. "HOW, could it posibly be worse" ,Todd yelled. "Well it could be raining" Dan replied. "HA! I can't believe we got played like that" "Well what do you expect, we did meet the guy in a back ally" "Those fake ids should have gotten us in" "Ya I know, we did get screwed but at lest you got that girls number" "I guess it wasn't a total loss was it hahaha" Dan was talk for his age, at 16 years old he was six foot six inches. He had a head of dark messy hair party covered by a black beanie. His jeans weren't tight but they defiantly weren't loose. They had small holes and rips in them showing his scrapped knees beneath. He wore dark baggy hoodies with one or both of the sleeves pulled up to his elbows. In a lot of ways he was your typical trouble making teenager ,except he wasn't the kind of kid that went looking for trouble it always found him. Todd was a little different. He was short for his age. At seventeen he was only five foot four ,and unlike Dan he was a little on the heavy side. That didn't mean he couldn't put up a fight though. Todd got into more fights in three years than most people do in there whole lives. He had dirty blond hair that he hid under an old Yankees cap due to a bad hair cut. He wore loose jeans with blotches of paint on them and an old gray p-coat woth a cupple patches and tattered brass cufflinks. Both Todd and Dan could drive but Dan didn't have a car and although Todd did, he was a terrible driver. Dan walked over to Todd's old busted up '73 Camaro, got in the drivers seat and started the engine. Todd popped the trunk and grabbed an old denim back pack with one broken strap. The back pack clanked and clinked as he grabbed it, then he took shotgun in the Camaro. The two drove a ways to an old abandoned factory. Half of the factory was crumbling and falling apart but there was one huge wall that was almost completely untouched by the destruction. The wall was 16 feet tall and 20 feet long and a creamy white color. As the two got closer the wall was lit up by their headlights. This wall was a vandal's wet dream. It was absolutely perfect for graffiti. Todd was the first to get out of the car. As he opened the door Motley Crue echoed around the abandoned industrial complex. With the back pack slung over his shoulder, he walked up to the wall with both of his hands in L shapes making a rectangle. Todd looked like a director sizing up a shot for his latest blockbuster. Dan left the engine going in the Camaro so the two could see their canvas, and just in case some one called the cops. As Dan walked up Todd grabbed some old cardboard boxes and unfolded them. He got out a small rusty pocket knife and started cutting out what looked like random shapes. Dan kept his distance from Todd, because when Todd started cutting out stencils he defiantly didn't like to be bothered. When Todd was finished with his so called masterpiece he handed the first pice of cardboard to Dan. "Alright take this it's got to be centered ok" Todd instructed "Ok so what's this one going to be," Dan asked "another political comic?" "Ha! You call the last one we did a political comic," Todd jabbed "just you wait this one is going to be amazing! I've been planing it for the last three weeks" Dan duck-taped the first part of the stencil on the wall and started filling out the seemingly random cut out shapes with black spray paint. Than as Todd directed him he put the seconds piece of the puzzle up on the wall and positioned it ,than started filling it out with red spray paint. Than the third, fourth and fifth piece went up and were filled out with white, blue and green. It was done. 14 feet tall and 18 feet long. Todd's masterpiece was complete. The graffiti depicted three large figures above five smaller ones. Two of the larger ones were stereotypical depictions of a left wing liberal on the left and a right wing republican on the right, with the third and largest figure, a man in a bloody suit with the words "Big Gov't" replacing his face. The left figure had a donkey behind him and the right had an elephant. The figure in the middle had a big 100 dollar bill as his back drop. The two caricatures on either side were controlling two marionettes each. The marionette we the smaller figures. The five smaller figures were four marionette police officers, two to a side, with a smaller figure in the middle. The smaller figure wasn't attached with strings. It was a depiction of an American citizen being beaten, attacked and oppressed by police officers. In total the graffiti according to Todd showed how the American government was abusing its power and its citizens for money, power and control. As Dan and Todd were finishing up and packing the spray paint and stencils into the trunk of Todd's '73 Camaro they heard the engine of another car. "Hey do you think they'll put this up on the news, because it's.." Todd was cut off by Dan raising his hand to silent him. "Shhh," Dan said in a low hushed tone "there's someone out there, with there headlights off" "What are you talking about man" "Can't you here the engine," Dan said while listening intently. Dan was never the smartest kid around he certainly wasn't an A+ student but he knew his cars better than most mechanics and race car drivers. "It's a V-8 engine" "How the hell could you possibly know that," Todd criticized "theirs no one out there" All of the sudden a car's high-beams lit up the two of them and immediately after red and blue lights started flashing! "Oh shit, cops!," Todd yelled franticly "get in the car hurry!" What Todd hadn't noticed is that Dan was already making his way slowly to the Camaro before the cop reveled himself. He was already in the drivers seat and was pulling the car around so Todd could jump in. "I told you someone was out there," Dan yelled as he slammed the Camaro into drive and floored it. "V-8 engines are standard issue for police cruisers" "You've it to be kidding me, there's no way you could here how many cylinders it has or that it was a cop car" "Well," Dan said as he burned down the street weaving between buildings. "It also made a lot of noise on the gravel so it had to be a heavy model like a sedan" "Dude," Todd said "seriously what the hell" "I'll explain later but right now you need to put your seat belt on." As Dan said this he took a sharp left turn. Both Todd and Dan had pretty unusual hobbies. In his free time Dan would take the Camaro out for street races and bet on himself, he normally didn't take a lot of risks but when it came to driving Dan would do some pretty crazy stuff. As for Todd, well he had a special appreciation for fighting and on the weekends would go to and old rundown strip club that had a fight club in the basement. Dan began backtracking to confuse the cop. As he drifted around corners and cut through alleyways and eventualy the sound of police sirens got fainter. Finally Dan stopped the Camaro under an irrigated roof overhang and turned off the engine. As Todd and Dan sat there they both nervously sat staring out the windshield until one Todd broke the silence. "How the hell did you know it was a cop" "Well the 2015 standard issue police cruiser is a V-8 Sedan" Dan replied "What, that's all you're going to say, that doesn't answer shit" "Well most of the cars I race against are V-8's so I knew the engine as soon as I heard it, and as the car approached it made a lot of noise in the gravel so it had to be a bigger vehicle. I didn't know it was a cop car but I figured it was a safe bet" "Damn, you're like really into cars," Todd laughed. "So do you think we are in the clear?" "Maybe, we should get out of here though," Dan said "keep your eyes pealed we'll have to keep the headlights off and keep her under 15" "What why so slow" Todd questioned "We don't want to kick up a trail of dust behind us that would only make us easier to find" "Ok good point, now let's get out of here" To be continued.

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