The Boy at The Window "I was casually walking up my normal street to get to the shops for my Mother, reminding myself what she wanted." "Get milk ,60 watt light bulb, and juice. " she said I got halfway up the lane just by a old stone house along Side the others. There was a light bulb on in the room and a shadowy figure staring out, after a while I noticed this figure was gazing at me it wasn't long before I turned my head in despair and pretended that I thought someone was behind me. I looked at the window and still a boy staring at me I simply ignored it." A few minutes later I came back from the shop walking slowly down to where my home was. Just then I thought how the boy looked at Me in such a way and wondered if he'd still be there but why and how. I told myself that it was a nosy 5 year old that was bored. But to my horror the boy was still there. This time his pale face pressed against the cold window and small fingers clenched to the windowsill sitting gazing without a blink then I got scared. Chapter 2 Him The following day I ignored the whole situation ,went to school and got on with it. "Mari!" Shouted Ellie " Going to snog your boyfriend again?" She laughed Before I could say anything the old teacher walked in. Her nickname was so called the 'Old Teacher' because she never mentioned her name so we took it from her looks old and grey. And when I say 'we' I mean my friend Lottie Royland. "Mrs Andrews will not be here today." Said the old teacher Just then Matthew Collins questioned her Sentence "Why?" The old teacher looked hesitant but took a breath and spoke "I will not lie to you. There is no reason to lie but I must warn you that there is something wrong with are small town. Mrs Andrews has been missing during the holidays for two weeks now she went missing on the first night of the holiday December 18th. All that has been said that there was a young boy with a pale face outside her house but this boy has not been seen since." The old teacher said grimly Not just the way she said it but I felt grim I seen this boy, I was stuck in the middle , should I tell or not? I hadn't had a clue! Chapter 3 Jamie H
Starly May
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