Traducciones   10 años

Ninjago Who Is Your Dream Boy He Finds You Trying To Commit Suicide Zane: you had remembered him kissing a girl and you running, you took a trip to London to commit suicide, you heard there is a cliff and you thought to do it there you running when you saw the cliff but a huge gate was in the way you remember how Zane got over fences and started, a few minutes later you was over loads of people was watching as you stood there crying lots of people was shouting (don't to it and come back over the fence) but that was convincing you to jump even more you was about to jump when "(NAME) STOP" you peered over your shoulder and bursted in tears "YOU CHEATED ON ME AND I CANT FORGIVE YOU EVER!" You was screaming louder then ever "I DIDNT MEAN TO I JU-" he didn't even finish his sentence because you had jumped you felt like it was the best moment ever when suddenly you was grabbed and tugged by Zane "LET ME GO!" You was to upset to to see him but you finally turned around to see Zane with tears zooming down his face as you looked up you could see people staring over watching, Zane pulled you closer to him it was very thin where you was standing and he said quietly "I'm sorry I made the worst mistake ever and I know you never forgive me but please at lest don't die" he was about to climb up the mountin of the thin little patch of the mountin that had grown weirdly when you had hugged him tightly he was so shocked that he had nothing to say but hug back " I'm sorry very much to!" you whispers other people was smiling and you went home

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