Hope Is Hope I stare at the floor My gaze held, mesmemorized with hope That these grey tiles That symbolise how I feel Grey, unattractive, battered, old Used and depressing Here I am staring at this tile With as much might and strength a field of vision could possibly have in a non-ficticious world That that field of vision would somehow manage to make that single tile Change Into a glimmer of hope Instead of a mountain of despair I expect little but still I Stare A look of nothingness glazed on my face Yet in my mind was it's usual battle A battle of wits between chemicals Where chemical happy fights Chemical sad Where words are twisted and turned like a twisting turning thing Repeated over and over Things forgotten that turn up Like a long lost relative But insead of a happy reunion I am reminded why I long lost that relative somewhere in the darkest depths of my mind My laser beam stare still trying to raise hope from the dead has broken, unable to penetrate that tile Looking up a glimmer is there Size is unimportant as it is what it brings that matters LIGHT Light so bright the room fills Chemical bad melts away defeated away into the hidden depths Back buried deep fighting for freedom while chemical happy sits on its locked cage, legs crossed defiantly For now in the darkened despair No matter how little Hope is hope. I have hope! © originalkitten2015 Constructive critism welcome

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