Traduire   10 années depuis

An Ode to Ubisoft You grace my abode 'bout twice a year With hidden blades and christmas fear Heart wrenching stories demanding tears O Ubisoft Symbols and parallels and lots of mythology Well known faces and historical accuracy Brand new theories from factions to astrology O Ubisoft A deadly obsession with broad daylight murder And yearly promises to take it much further A blade in the crowd or from behind the girder O Ubisoft Tales of redemption, ideals and revenge Against which no other games can contend And fractured worlds with free will to defend O Ubisoft Your games let me play things I never would Carry out fantasies I never could Believe in worlds that nobody should O Ubisoft So I look up to you with tears in my eyes A deep set longing that I cannot disguise And quoth "why won't this app FUCKING SYNCHRONISE?" O Ubisoft

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