63 In 3 Days 63 in 3 days That is what you would be 63 in 3 days If Cancer hadnt stole you from me 63 in 3 days If we had noticed it there 63 in 3 days But now your chair is bare 63 in 3 days A cake for you to eat 63 in 3 days Candles too, what a treat 63 in 3 days But theres no cake this year 63 in 3 days Just a broken heart and a face full of tears 63 in 3 days Yet i look older than you'd be 63 in 3 days Four years of grief you can plainly see 63 in 3 days You left when I most needed you 63 in 3 days I'm such a mess I don't know what to do 63 in 3 days I need you mum right now 63 in 3 days Make me better, show me how 63 in 3 days Wrap your wings around me Mum, 63 in 3 days Keep me safe and stop me feeling glum 63 in 3 days You shoukd be here, it's not fair 63 in 3 days I really fucking hate cancer. Happy Birthday mum I wish I could say im Coping but Im not But i do know I miss you So much Love you xox © originalkitten 2015
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Sienna Williamson
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