перевести   10 лет назад

I blink twice, my old friend comes over to me. I felt a warming feeling approaching. Until I remembered, she has been dead for 2 years. I scream and shout trying to get her off. I try one last attempt of defense. I clinched my jaw, ball my fist, and punched her right in the rib cage, leading her to land though a window seal. I try to release myself from the terror my friend gave. I thought it was over. All of a sudden, I felt a jerking feeling coming from my leg. I look back at my friend. She adjusted her bloody hand on my leg and pulls, leading me going right down the wooden stairs giving massive bleeding. I finally stop at the bottom of the stairs. I fainted from the loss of blood. I wake up on a hospital bed. My mother rushes to the scene. She tells the doctor she found me uncounois on the stair case.The doctor comes over to me and checks my heart rate. "She's able to go home tomorrow afternoon" the doctor says. The next day the hospital releases me. My mother takes me home and seats me down on the couch and asks me what happened that night. The only thing I could tell her is I fell.

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