Translate   10 years ago

Flirtatious? Me? So I've been told by SO many people that I'm a natural flirt, but honestly I don't know what they're talking about. I mean yeah I talk to guys but that doesn't mean I'm flirting... I 'd talk to them the same way I would if I were talking to girls. I tried to purposely flirt once.. It didn't go so well... I ended up falling down the stairs with the guy I liked trying to catch me from behind. He failed miserably at catching me by the way considering the fact that I was basically sliding down the stairs as if the stairs were a slide at a playground. To top it off, he ended up laughing at me. I laughed too to cover up the fact that I had just slid down a flight of stairs, stretched out his shirt by pulling it (as if it would help), and bruised my back... So yeah... Now that I think about it, I guess I am pretty good at flirting in a way. Since I can always make people (both genders but I'm mainly referring to males) laugh. e.j.

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