Translate   9 years ago

A Excerpt From A New Project Of Mine, Thoughts? Steven I paused the music playing through my headphones and rooted around in the pockets of the jacket wrapped round me for my keys. Amongst the sweet wrappers and screwed up homework assignments my fingers stumbled across the cold metal; opening the door I stepped inside. My head was pounding. Kicking my shoes off I called out to Mum and Lexi; no answer. Strange, I had thought someone would've been home; there was only one car on the drive, maybe they went out together? Even stranger... my mum and sister had been at each others throats for weeks, they couldn't sit in the same room as each other, much less go out for the afternoon. Making my way through the kitchen to the medicine cabinet my thoughts were with what had happened today at school, it had been a strange day, it seemed such a blur, my head had been hurting ever since I woke up. There seemed to be a fuzz around the days events, like I hadn't quite been in touch with reality all day. Finding the headache tablets I poured myself a glass of water and gulped them down, hopefully that would help. Making my way over to the fridge I noticed a pile of creased up washing on the dining table; at that moment I knew something was wrong. It was a Thursday, Mum always did the ironing on a Thursday; she had the day off every week. Why not today? My mum was a real creature of habit, something really serious must have happened for her not to have got it done. I called her mobile, no answer. Lexi's mobile; no answer. I hoped they were okay, I had a bad feeling nestling in the pit of my stomach. I was starting to worry. I decided I would give it an hour or two and see if anyone turned up, if not i'd call Dad or Grandma, maybe they would know what was going on. Opening the fridge I pulled the milk out and made myself some cereal, all of a sudden I was starving; I couldn't remember eating that day. It was just after i'd swallowed the first mouthful that it started. That was when it happened. That was the moment all hell broke loose. I remember seeing the kitchen window smashing across the kitchen floor, I remember hearing other similar sounds coming from all over the house. Smashes as glass broke, crashes as doors flew open. The thundering noise of what seemed like hundreds of pairs of boots stamping around the house. Bodies appeared, too many too count; all dressed in black, waving guns around. They looked like a SWAT team, why would a SWAT team be in my house?! The butt of a gun cracked straight across my jaw, sending me sprawling across the floor, men piled on top of me, shouting. Guns were pointed at me viciously from all angles. I couldn't make out what they were saying; I was panicking. I was scared. I felt the cold bite of steel as a pair of handcuffs were snapped round my wrists, far too tight; the pain was intense. I was roughly pulled to my feet, arms grabbed me all over and all of a sudden I was being dragged out my house. Terrified tears rolled down my face as I screamed and screamed at my captors but anything I said was ignored, my pleas had fallen on deaf ears. Next thing I knew I was being harshly shoved into the back of a police van, the doors slammed behind me like a hurricane had got hold of them. I was left there alone, sobbing silently as the van began to pull away.... What had I done?!

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