übersetzen   10 Jahre

An Individual Perspective Its ironic how we always tell ourselves that we are understanding, yet we condem that which goes against our beliefs and morals. Its ironic how its not okay for someone to bully another person, but its okay for you to talk ill of them behind their backs. Its ironic how we like to see ourselves as accepting and open minded, then the slightest sign of difference or change, we fail to accept. Its ironic how we allow people freedom of speech and individuality, but cast out those who to us seem 'weird' or 'differen't'; Societys view of a norm. Its ironic how two faced we all can be, and how our supposedly strong moral background can crumble in certain situations. Its ironic how easily we fall for fashions and trends and how we so un-effortlessly believe everything the media tells us. Individuality. Not something bought or worn. But something that we tattoo within the very depths of our soul from the minute we are born to the day we die. Something that many people fail to realise, accept and appreciate. You do not need to fit a stereotypical mold. You are an individual. Theres nobody like you so stop trying to be someone else. Be yourself. An individual. We all have our own interpretations and understandings of things, its what makes us human. If 10 people saw a car accident, would their witness statements all say exactly the same thing? No. We interpret things the way we want to. We see things through our own lense. Its what makes me, me. And you, you. Individuality. Something that must been understood and respected. ~Larko (repost)

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