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The Unbelievable Truth Of Vampires Preface; I am like you just a little different we are all beautiful creatures you have smiling teeth I was cursed with fangs you are beautiful and can bathe in the sun I however need a special ring to stand out like you you drink your lattes and I drink blood not that I want to yet again I was cursed to. But I am getting way ahead of myself .....let me go back to the beginnings of my story. It was the year 1942 in London that I died, well not just me my sister and my father as well. I was 17 when the disaster struck it was the influenza that hit my family hard. We were the richest family in London, so we had our own personal doctor and not knowing then that he was a vampire. My sister was about to die when the doctor bit her she creamed. like a mad woman then it stopped.I could feel the air dissipating out of my lungs I was dying. I was choking. on my own blood; he sighed under his breath and said “damnit “I was bitten on the neck I screamed bloody murder. My father was next he stayed with us for a few days until we changed. Once we woke up he told us what we had become and how to survive without human blood. He told us that we had to create. alternative #lifestyles now that we were vampires I had. decided that my name was Jessica Jessie or jess, they liked Jessie for me I did too .My sister changed her name from Guinevere to jenny. My father had changed his name from Vincent to Jackson. We were set we were an original clan. Chapter one Sixty some years later A lot of things had changed since we had become vampires I had learned more and more about what we could do to humans and of course I was frightened to my not existing core. Our father had brought a human girl into the house for the very first time , we had kept to ourselves and the reason why he brought her to our home was to show us how to act like a human the first thing we did was we bought a Car for me. what I bought was a Chevy cameo it cost a lot of money ‘then our human taught me how to drive .I learned how to drive as soon she started driving it was very easy and fun she gave me directions on how to get to the mall once we got there we bought every female article of clothing that fit my sister and I as well as shoes ,purses , accessories ,sun glasses you name it , “luckily our human Sophie was the same size as myself “ I told jenny “because I am giving her everything I don’t like “ it had taken us seven hours to go through the entire mall . Once we got home Sophie had told us what clothes to wear and how to act in certain circumstances Once we had gone through everything father had decided that he would pay her a thousand dollars every hour and five hundred every half hour so in the end she got paid twelve thousand five hundred dollars to take care of my sister and I. finally Sophie asked “why don’t you kids know about fashion and stuff?” “Finally you asked” I said Jackson had come up with the best lie he had ever made “ well you see Sophie those two girls have been home schooled there entire #life and they are now going into public school for the first time and so we decided that they needed help to fit in “ then she said “ but how can you afford to give me so much money “ she said “well one I am a very rich man and two my entire family is wealthy so I can afford to help my girls out a little bit The first morning I didn’t know how to dress for the first day so I decided to wear Sophie’s favorite outfit just to wow her and show her what I could do .the outfit that I wore was a 3 piece office like outfit I had a nice white blouse a black blazer and a medium length pencil skirt that was black and then I wore my mothers pearls. Then I said to Jackson “dad how do I look for my first day at being a human?” absolutely beautiful darling now were is your sister is she awake yet? “No I have to wake her up in an hour I am really early to wake up today “I said I sat at the table after walking to the fridge and grabbed a bag of my favorite blood and sat down at the dinner table and put a straw into the bag it was lions blood and it was the closest to human blood my father and my sister and I all believed that taking blood from a human was wrong and that no other vampire should. so as soon as I had opened my pouch my sister sniffed the air and said oooh yummy its lions blood Jessie’s favorite can I have a bag jess ?jenny you know that you can have whatever you want …. For a price any ways how much you want Jessie I want two thousand and fifty dollars to anyone else this would have seemed like a lot of money but to this family it was petty cash fine you can have one bag but no more than that ! I gulped down my blood then walked at a human pace to my bedroom to get ready it took me a few seconds to get to my room at a human pace and it annoyed me how slow I would have to walk at school . I liked the way I dressed for my first day at high school while jenny was going to elementary school. . While jenny wore jeans long sleeved t-shirt tennis shoes and had curled her hair to look like her favorite person in the entire world Marilyn Monroe .she looked great. After the two of us were ready we hopped into my new car which was a Chevy camero and it was a red one which I may say is pretty damn sexy. It took me a total of five minutes to get from our house to the elementary school. Everyone stared and gasped as jenny got out of the car and everyone surrounded the car and started welcoming her to there school. Then I drove off to my school it was five minutes away from the elementary school. I was probably one of the first cars in the student parking lot. I walked past a lot of men that had there jaw open … I enjoyed this thoroughly and smiled as I walked by them and then I walked into the building and went into the office to get my school papers. after I got my class schedule guys were popping up every were asking me for my phone number and asking me what classes I had and so a hoard of boys walked me to my first class which was English half of the boys took a seat next to me or around my chair .after the second class it was time for lunch and all the guys from my previous classes had walked me to the lunch room that’s when my entire world changed in one instant. That’s when I met the others in my time I had never come across another vampire except the vampire that had changed my family. I told the boys that I had to go to the restroom I knew this school along time ago when I first went to the school almost a hundred years ago. Luckily I had thought through and thought of ways to send a message to the others .I had brought some petty cash with me to school that day and decided that I would strengthen the economy just a little bit so I took the money out of my wallet and threw it up into the air and everyone went grabbing and I ran to there table with my note it said “ come to my house after school I must talk with you all “ then I rushed to the restroom were no mere boy would ever journey into that black pit . Then I returned to my next two classes and ran straight to my car and the boys were staring at it wondering whose car it was then I walked past them and got into the drivers seat. They all started to freak out Because I had a hot car then I drove to the middle school and picked up jenny who had had a rough day just like me … little monsters crushing on her. We drove home and by the time we got into our drive way eight other vampires in two cars had pulled up behind my car. I suddenly felt the urge to growl but I had kept my composure tight. I leaned up against the side of my car and had Jessie take in my bag and hers. then I recognized one that hadn’t been there earlier as soon as he saw my face he froze I let out a growl and snarl .. I was mad beyond mad I was pissed to see this mans face this was the vampire that had turned my sister my dad and my self, yet on the other had I was grateful for having a full #life ahead of me when I was so expecting to die any moment I said sorry I wasn’t expecting to ever see him in my #life time again. then they stared at me and said you are the only family of vampires true blooded that live in this world , we have looked all over the world and done research to find true blooded family’s but we now have you three . I said sorry I don’t know your names and then they went in a line and said there names the first one was the doctor that had transformed us he said “my real name is Scott foxter. this is my wife ellanorie but we all call her Ella she likes it better then threes the rest of my family Roslyn , alix , then we have Jazik , muichal , and my single son Stefan the doctor winked at me and laughed , then he said how has your sister taken to immortality ? “Jenny cans you and father comes here please?” I said as soon as I had said her name she was at my side defensive and hissed then my father walked out and said “ nice to see you again my old friend “ then Scott said “ I think your eldest daughter wants some information . “you see Jessie … “he paused “your real mother was the queen of England and you have royal blood in you and your mother and I had an affair and we didn’t want her to a loose her crown for infatuating with a commoner like myself so what happened was once she had given birth we had stolen you away in the middle of the night and took you to a place were you could grow without becoming a snobby princess and never getting to meet me. your mother came to see you very often she loved you very much you were her first child and she missed you then a while later when you had turned sixteen she wanted to meet you and I told her no because I know of a way to preserve her so she doesn’t die during the influenza I searched and searched and searched for an answer then one day Scott was hunting and heard me talking to myself and walked up to me and we talked and then he told me he was a vampire and he knew a way to help me and my family out he was a doctor as well so he came by every day to watch over us until when we almost died then he went through with his plans of turning us into immortals and living forever . “ he sighed after saying that and being relived of all the pressure of keeping that a secret I sat in the driver seat of my car and stared and said “oh … um…. Threes a lot I need to think about “ jenny took out her phone and texted some one then my pocket vibrated and I opened my phone and it said “Stephan is totally staring you down you guys should go out “ then I texted her back and said “shut it sis you don’t know anything “ I closed my phone and put it in my but pocket and said to everyone “would you like to come in to our home?” to a vampire the time that we were standing out side would seem like a long time. To a human time feeling it would have been about five minutes.” we would really love to come into your home “ said Stephan I smiled and turned around Scott nudged him in the arm and said “Stephan I think you have found you true mate I think she likes you A LOT !” I chuckled under my breath and guided them into the living space which was as soon as you walked into the front door. Secret #1 all supernatural creatures have to be invited in or they can’t come in “You are all welcome here at any time please come in “I said let me ‘give you a tour of our home ““oh my goodness, it looks the same as when I turned you all ….. Such vivid memories “said Scott “ we are planning to do a major renovation sometime this month “ said Jackson the other vampire stayed for most of the night I showed them around our home and then we just talked about everyone’s stories of how they became a vampire . Stephan and I went into my room to talk and he said “my sister seems to think that you and I should mate “….. there was a moment of silence and my eyes were huge with shock and I said “im sorry im still learning how to act like a human I haven’t been in the out side world in years “ “ is that an excuse to not date me then ?” he said “no im just saying that I have a lot on my plate at the moment and once I get this under control we can possibly think about dating even though you kind of are a selfish as whole and are kind of …..Arrogant and Im not into that type “I said “how do you even know what type you like since you haven’t been in the public for the past sixty some years? “Stephan said every one was quiet in the other room then I yelled at Stephan and said “GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE “ I deserve that … I was rude we will leave and I will see you tomorrow in English he said I was pouting that I would have to see him tomorrow and so I pointed at the door and said “go “ and I opened my bag and got started on my home work which would only take five minutes because I already knew everything that was on there . The next day would be torturous because the other vampires would be there and on Stephens’s side. Chapter 2 I woke up in the morning grateful that I was still alive because any one of those vampires could have come here in the middle of the night and killed me. I got ready at my vampire pace this morning and I drank two bags of the lion’s blood this morning for extra strength against the other vampires. I had to wait for an hour for jenny to get ready to go. I had dropped jenny off at school then I saw the vampire sisters and brothers in there cars and they were following me I was shivering I was so scared. I parked in my assigned parking spot and walked towards my class room and they all gathered around me and said “ we are so sorry Jessie for our brothers behavior he has been without a mate for many years and doesn’t know how to treat females “ “ its understandable but the way he said it was really rude “ I said “he’s here today and he wants to talk to you … he’s in the meadow waiting for you” said Roslyn I looked towards the hill and I ran up to meet Stephan I didn’t see him any were Secret #2 vampires can see up to 5 miles away Then all of a sudden I heard light foot steps following me .I stopped and turned around and he pinned me to the ground and I hit him square in the face and then he slapped me on my face and I stopped and I said “ why are you attacking me “ he paused and said “because you wont be my mate “ I stared at him and said “ the reason why I wont mate with you is because I am learning how to be in the human population and because you were rude yesterday “ “ I am sorry for that yesterday I was just consumed by your scent and how beautiful you are “ he said with a smile “do you want to get out of school today and do something” I said “I have a an idea of how we can get out ….punch me “ he said I punched him and he broke my leg and then he murmured “ hers our story you were getting a cat out of a tree and I saw you and ran to you and you fell with the cat in your arms and you fell on top of me “ I stared at him and said “ that sounds like a great plan Secret#3 with any injury vampires can heal in less than a half of an hour Stephan reached out and grabbed my hand, and he scooped me up, and he ran me to the nurse’s office. My hair got in my face, I peeked through my hair, and saw that he staring at me, and I started to blush the shade of a red rose. Once we got to the nurses Office, he sat me on a table, and the nurse came in. I noticed something odd about the nurse, her eyes were as red as ruby’s. I went into attack mode and Stephan mocked what I was doing. She hissed and went to attack mode, and I said "what is your name vampire?" "My name is Celica." "What are you doing here?" I said. "I'm coming to find the daughter of Queen Elizabeth." Then Stephan said "What do you want with her?" "I want her dead!" said Celica. Stephan stepped in front of me and said "why do you want her so badly?" "Because her mother killed my husband, and I want revenge on her mother!" "But my mother is dead." I said. She growled, and lunged towards me. Stephan blocked her way, and she said "You will pay for this... Jenny will be the first one to die, if you don't give me Jessie!" "When pigs fly!" I said. Stephan pulled out he's cell phone, and called our family’s "Meet us at my family’s house in A few minutes." Every one jumped into there cars, and drove to the Salvatore house. Chapter 3 So everyone met at the Salvatore house.” What the hell is going on!" said Jazik. "We are under attack, there is a human Hunting female vampire named Calica, she wants to kill Jessie because in the old days her mother killed Calica’s husband, thinking that Queen Elizabeth the 1st is dead, so she wants to seek revenge towards Jessie and if she does not get Jessie she Will go after Jenny, and then once she is dead she will go after the rest of them." he said. "Is this true?” asked Jackson. "My Brother has said nothing but the truth, I have seen the future." said Alix. "I want to make sure that the Palmer family is safe.” Said Stephan. "What is our plan of action, then." said Muichal. "I don't want to help her. There is no way you can force Me." said Rosalynn. The Palmer family growled, and sprung in front of me. I grabbed my sister's shoulders, and said “Jenny... stop acting like that, they're trying to help us." "I'm sorry Rosalynn is just being a totally psycho bitch." Rosalynn snapped and said "I can snap your neck so fast, you won’t even be able to say mama." "Let’s focus on the issue here, everyone." said Scott. "I'm disappointed in you Roslyn." said Ellie. "So hers the plan, me Jessie, Jenny, and Muichal are hopping on a plane and going to the U.K. We are going to Buckingham Palace to get answers about Jessie's mother and what she did to Calica’s husband. Rosalynn and Ellie and Scott are going to try to get Celica away from her and her family and everyone else will divide and spread Across the U.S." said Stephan. "I have read her mind, she is sending her minions after me first." said Jessie. Everyone stared at me and looked shocked, that I could read minds. Everyone hopped into there cars, that were assigned to them. Stephan started to stare at me. I could feel that we had really started to love each other. I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek He looked at me with the passion of a man who had longed for love and had finally found someone to love. He put one arm around my waist and kissed me like there would be no more time in the world that we would never see each other ever again, and I said "I want you to know that no matter what ever happens to either of us I will always love you forever." He smirked and said "Don't you worry your pretty little head." I smiled and sat in the car, and winked at him. My dad cleared his throat and said “Isn’t it time to go? I’m getting freaked out by all this mushy gooshy stuff." I laughed, and the garage door opened and all the cars revved there engines.” You have your cell phone keep in touch with me." Jackson said to me. Everyone closed there doors and we all left. Muichal, Alix, And I started for the airport. While Rosalynn, Jazik, and Jackson were headed to the East Coast. Ellie, Scott, Stephan, and Jenny were on there way to the Canadian border. I texted him and it said "You better damn well take care of her, because I would never be able to forgive you." He didn't text me back. We reached the airport and got onto the airplane and muichal said “I am so sorry that this has happened to you Jessie you and your family is good”. I half heartedly smiled and tried to concentrate on what I was going to say to the people. Once we got to London we were escorted to the palace immediately … I guess the guards had been tipped off that we wanted to visit the queen. “Hello, my name is Jessie I would like to speak with the queen please “I said “we know who you are really Jessie there’s no worries we are all vampires here …. Including …. Your mother “said one of the guards “how do you know all of this information? “ I said and slouched against the wall I knew that it was going to be a very long story and I was taken back how little of a story it was in fact.” I am her brother … “ he paused and then said “ which makes you my niece “ I was astonished and without anymore words he took me by the wrist and took me to an old Victorian looking room where my mother laid in bed resting she looked so young and beautiful and disturbingly similar to me . she had pale skin dark brown hair so dark it looked black faint pink lips and dark thick eyelashes she heard me gasp and woke with a fright and was alarmed to see me standing over her bedside “I was never expecting to see you ever again “said the queen “how did you know it was me in the first place not Calica.” I said “Oh you know that wicked bitch?” said the queen. “She attempted to kill me and my family because she said that you had killed her husband.” I said “Is that what she really told you? I did kill her husband but not for that reason she changed me because she was my sister. Everyone gasped and stared at the queen. I could here Muichal think “well, today is just full of surprises.” And then she giggled at Muichal and said “It is, isn’t it.” “What did he say?” asked the queen. “I’m surprised that you don’t know.” said Jessie. “Why would you say that?” asked the queen. “Because I can sense that you have some sort of special ability.” said Jessie. “How can we stop Calica in her tracks?” asked Muichal. “We’re going to set a major trap, having Jessie and her mother as the bait for Calica.” said Alix. “We need her to come with us to the U.S. so we can come set the trap.” “As long as we guards can come along to protect the queen from Calica’s evil minions.” said one of the guards. “That’s fine with us.” said Alix. They all got on a plain and headed back home. Once we got off of the plain we went to Stephan’s house to find a note that said “Dear Jessie I am deeply sorry to announce that you’re darling sister has past away in the most tragic way to die, Calica’s minions have killed her by torturing her and slowly killing her, I’m so sorry as well to tell you that Calica’s minions have also killed your father, I’m so sorry for your losses with your family. I love you very much, Stephan.” As I had been reading my letter I sank to the floor and started wailing and I handed the letter to Alix and she leaned down to give me a hug. They couldn’t calm me down for a few hours and they wouldn’t even try because they under stood how I felt at that time. Secret#4 when one vampire feels pain all other vampires feel there pain and as a major rule no vampire may harm or mess with that vampire during there time of suffering Chapter 4 It took weeks for me to come out of my room to talk about my suffering. During our next few weeks together we plotted our revenge against Calica and the evil minions that were still alive. Since all of my family was dead except my mother. The Salvatore family invited us to come in and live with them. One day we had decided that we had done all the planning and scheming that could be done. I was sitting on the couch with my mother and Stephan at the same time and out of the corner of my eye I saw Stephan’s eyes expand with fright as he gasped and said “ she knows everything I let out the meanest most nasty snarl I could throw out.they looked at me wide eyed and then understood what I was feeling “all of the work we have put out for her to destroy and now have to rethink everything is madness it irks me to know that my aunt is out there plotting to kill my mother and I and we are now defenseless against her until we come up with a plan .” I said hissing through my teeth stephan put his hand on my back and I was startled as he rubbed my back and hugged me , I was extremely surprised to see his affectionate side come out and I smiled at him …( is there now some sort of silent connection between us ) I thought then there was a pause and I giggled alittle bit. Muichal stared at me and nodded his head and said “hey Jessie come take a walk with me “I stood up and Stephan followed and muichal said Stephan stay here I need to talk to Jessie alone.” He nodded his head and accepted muichal’s request of him .as he and I start to walk Muichal took me to the side and said “Stephan is going to ask your hand in marriage some time soon” I looked at him for a very long time and said nothing and kept my mind blank so we headed back into the roomc and Stephan had a loom of mixed emotions on his face and then said “darling would you like to go on a hunting trip with me?” “shall it be regular hunting gear or not?” I said “no hunting gear is required for this trip I have your clothes all set for you” said Stephan (what is he my butler or something I am old enough to take care of myself) muichal started to laugh so hard that he fell on the floor and Stephan said” what is so funny “ “muichal said that you have a big ass and I agreed and then he started to laugh at me” I said (“ really that’s what they were laughing about ….. How stupid …..) I ignored his remarkably rude thought and walked up the stairs to my bed room to see a beautiful red dress covered in white roses with a note that said “ dear Jessie eat me in the meadow of the forest wearing this beautiful red dress ….. look pretty so I get ready and go to the meadow and Stephan is in a tux standing by a lit up table I said “what “in a very confused tone then Stephan said”what what???’ and I said “why in the world would I want to eat you I don’t think your even edible” then Stephan said” what what what?????” I said “the note you wrote said to eat you in the meadow” and he said “ pooh I guess that I was nervous it mint meet me in the meadow” ooooooh, then why did you want to meat me In the meadow and why are you wearing a tux and why am I wearing this beautiful red dress? “Do you not see the table next to me?” asked Stephan I glared at him and he said “shall we sit?” so I sat and he pushed my chair in and then sat across from me and smiled then I noticed the music there was a quartet of violinists playing a beautiful song then our food was served to us we had steak extra red just for us. Once we started to eat he said “oh…. Shoot my shoelace is undone” so he got down on his knee and tied his shoe then out behind the lace came the ring and he said “Jessie I know we haven’t known each other very long but I feel connected to you and I really love you a lot, Jessie would you do me the honor of marrying me?” “Stephan I do love you I really hope you know, but I cannot accept such an amazing engagement ring … not right now any way.” I said too ashamed to even look at his gorgeous face “I am so sorry Stephan I need to go get some air.” “But wait!” Stephan said, as I instantly turned around I saw him reaching out for me, I grimaced and ran away, but I could hear him running after me. “Stop fallowing me!!!” I screamed as I started running faster. His footsteps faded. Then I ran to my room. (Told you.) I could here Muichal taunting me through his mind. I told everyone that now...

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