"At last!" A gravely, harsh and deeply evil voice, my ears seemed to vibrate gently as the sound travelled through! It came from a chamber off the central stairwell, at this height it was the only room! More flickering light filtered from the opening. Cautiously I entered, my guide for once stayed where he was, head hung low almost bowing in awe of what was obviously his master! The smoothness of the floor butted up to the rough inner walls still black, the tower seemed black, not just in its colour, although I had been in the tower for some time that thought had only just occurred to me. The only solid object in the room was what looked like it was meant to be a desk but it was made from solid rock, the same rock as the tower but the smoothness of the floor was duplicated on its top surface. The voice had came from a figure stood in shadow behind the desk. Tall slim, very well dressed in total black. As the figure turned I glimpsed a strange red glow, deep in the figures eyes. It may have been the flickering flames that dimly lit the room, but there was something more, the back of my mind seemed to be scrambling for an answer that was moving away from it at pace. The figures face was lean almost skeletal, thin lips beneath a thin sharp nose that split two black orbs as eyes, no colour, the only thing that was not black was the skin, almost grey but it was hard to see in the poor light.

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