перевести   10 лет назад

The Present Dear sweet love of mine Please make me complete be my Valentine Your the most amazing man on earth that lived Your light is in me eternal Your soul is my leading star Your my waking thought and sleepy dream Your the most amazing of all the men I've seen All I have I would give to you I would be your one and true love for all time Give me hope be my valentine Share good times forever I promise you I would never leave I would not make you weak or cut you off with my tongue in speech I would with velvet kisses Embrace you each and everyday I would use all the time we have together to make mine and your lives good forever I think we would help each other sleep I think the hugs and cuddles would be cute and sweet I think the kisses would be long and define I think we could share our love for all time See anything through My hope my joy My inner smile For me I am so obsessed its true No one else could replace this feeling in me that I feel when I see you You like a breathe of fresh air A sail on a boat The love in a novel The tv remote The shelter in stormy weather A rescuer sent from heaven Quite frankly I love you and all that's said Please forgive all things that may have been previously said In anger I have been proud Let my ego stand in the way of noticing you being sad Trying to not feel weak I shut you out for a while I was scared and tired of all what world believes But babe I could never really mean it I want the best for you Always and always will Like you said once the heart can't lie It tells the truth You to me is all there is Let me pass just this one test For once let's make it right Let's not be losers in a war of rights Looking at you in your birthday suit X rated to say least what I want to do This urge in makes me so very weak But there is no sin where love is present And I would take the pain For you I've surrendered for quite some time So I'm asking you again on your birthday Will you be my valentine Can my love be enough I don't need chocolates or flowers or all that crazy stuff I need love good and proper A best friend who knows me inside out Who loves me with his heart You I need you!!! For always XX

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