Traducciones   10 años

Gone To Wolves C.1 Chapter 1 Tail Lessons and Trust Lessons "Ok, Whispen, flick your tail up," I told my little sister. She obediently flicked up her little white tail. She had a white except for the tip of her tail and she had some white on her mouth. "That means forward!" She cheered. I licked her ear. "Good now to the right!" "Byrrgis slant right," Whispen said in the most serious voice her little body could muster. Then, without me having to tell her, she flicked it left. "Byrrgis slant left, now right, straight. Byrrgis slant right again," she flicked her tail to the left, then swished to the right. Her tail flashed up, then once again to the right. I stood up and nuzzled her pink nose. The sun was just rising on the ocean. "Will I ever be a byrrgis leader like mum?" She mumbled cocking her head to the right. Suddenly Skye flashed past us. I turned around to check out what Skye was doing. She climbed half way up a tree then did a back flip! Her white pelt was gorgeously clean. She shook herself after landing. Her paws seemed to touch the sky. Like her name... "I'm working on stunting big sis!" She said proudly. "I noticed," I laughed. Skye beamed at me. We started to head back to the den when I spotted Skage, my best friend. "Ok Skye take Whispen back to the den. I be with Skage if you need me. Mom will be back before night meal," Skage had a little brother named Koby that was giving my big brother, Nodakh something to do. We trotted off past our den, away from the ocean, into the woods. "We should have a contest!" Skage blurted out. "Ok... Um...." I started. "Digging" a distinctive male wolf voice said. A red/brown leaped down from atop a Willow tree. Skage and Fastilla ears shot forward. "Who are you?" Skage said deeply with a hint of a growl. My hackles settled a bit. Hurt flashed across the wolf's eyes. "I uh... I didn't mean to barge in on you guys... I just," "A digging contest....." I ruminated on the idea. The weird thing was that the wolf didn't go into a submission posture at the harsh comment. He stood there almost a little defiantly. "Ok, well my name is Aledh," he flicked his tail slightly. "Why were you in a willow tree?" Skage step closer. She was being really suspicious. "He's just another wolf Skage gosh!" She shot me a look and I sunk into a submission posture. She nudged me. I stood up. "We can try it... Aledh" I said trying to pretend Skage wasn't gonna have a fit. "All you have to do is digging as far down as possible, who ever digs deepest wins," Aledh said. He was a decent wolf. He wasnt from our clan. He looked like he was from the JefferClan. It was near a lake, unlike our clan MadiClan that was in the middle of no where. I stroked Skage with my muzzled. Something about that settled her. She grinned, "Ok," Skage pressed her paws to the ground. "Three, two," Aledh started. "One," we all said at once. I started digging out of the corner of my eye I saw Aledh was digging really close to me. I just kept digging. Suddenly something brushed under my paws. I jumped up startled. "Pause the contest!" I screeched. "Fastilla?" Skage came over to me. "It's ok, I think.... something soft is down there," I stuck my nose down the hole. It was a pelt. "It's a pelt but... Uh... it's not exactly wolf or a creature we hunt," We should widen the hole and gently lift it out," Skage suggested. We all started digging, and by the time we finished it looked like an evergreen was uprooted. We lifted out a a miniature wolf pelt. It wasn't a baby wolf. The color was bright bright red. "I've seen one of these before," Aledh said, "Over by the tall grasses on the other side of the Distant Blue!" He puzzled. "It's called a fox!"

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