Silverstones story ch2 She ran to camp flawlessly sliping under the hole she came from."there you are Silverkit i was looking for you"sharpkit said waveing his tail gracefully "well ovisly!"silverkit said walking tord him rolling her eyes at him."what did you need sharpkit" "well first off wolfstar wants to see you and sec-"Silverkit cut him off "what!? Why me? I did't do anything wrong!or did i! I could have done somthing imperfectly and ruffledscale told wolfstar!"she speaked floping to the ground puting her paw on her head."hey calm down silverkit! Not everycat is perfect well...we are more graceful,agile,sly,And things like that,more then thunderclan yeah sure There pure alie but still there not as good." "Shardkit i don't have time for your rants ive got to see wolfstar..."muffled silverkit missarbly as she slinked toward the high rock and dissaperd had been a while and sharpkit was lazily laying on a log on his back.silverkit approched him and sat looking at him with a quesioned look on her face."oh hey sup silverkit! How was your meet with wolfstar?" "Oh it was fine he just asked if today it would be ok if we became-"silverkit paused as wolfstar apperd ontop of the highrock calling for everyone to gather "woah!" Yelled sharpkit as he fell of the log."CATS OF RIVERCLAN TODAY WE SHALL SELABRATE THE RANKINGSHIP OF 6 YOUNG KITS""SO I ASK PINEKIT,CLOUDKIT,SHARPKIT,SEALKIT,GHOSTKIT,AND LAST BUT NOT LEST SILVERKIT! TO STEP FORWARD!" We took a step farward all of us shakeing with exitment."pinekit,ghostkit,sharpkit,cloudkit,and silverkit do you all promise to train in the spirit of apprenticeship untill you have all earned your warrior name?"he asked.We bowed our heads in expeptince as he said "then untill these new apprentices have earned there warrior names they shall be called Pinepaw,Sealpaw,Ghostpaw,Cloudpaw,Silverpaw,and Pinepaw!,Pinepaw your mentor will be Dawnsmoke!Dawnsmoke vinewing was an exilent mentor for you i hope that you pass on your great skills to Pinepaw,"Dawnsmoke noded and she and Pinepaw touched noses,"Cloudpaw your mentor will be Waterwish,Waterwish Cloudpaw tends to wander i know you were the same way,Sealpaw your mentor will be Mothfrost,Mothfrost i know you had a though time growing up with out your parents and Sealpaw is the same way,S-"Silverkit had wanderd off to her own land thinking about what her mother looked like when Sharpkit nuged her"what!"she hissed sharpkit nuged his he to were wolfstar stood finishing his sentice.Silverpaw your mentor will be,Redstone"I looked around for him and a slek callico tom came out of the crowd to thouch noses with me.But I knew this tom he looked after me when my mother died we had become close."Hey,hey your doing great."Redstone said sympatheticly,i was shakeing slightly from exitment.I simply smiled at as he staired deeply into my neptune blue eyes.and I staired into his hazle brown eyes and seeing the only world i ever knew with him.

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