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Stalker Chapter 1 My name is Arline Herring. And this is my story. It all started about 10 months ago. While I was out getting a new job.At the time I was a waitress, and not making any money. I went down to the local coffee shop to see if they could hire me as a barista. "I would like to please fulfill the job as a barista" That day I met a good friend of mine Danielle Booth. Danielle yelled to the manager "Hey Max". Max Burgess. The most stuck up man alive. He and Danielle used to be married for like 5 months, they didn't last. Danielle worked at The Pink Petal long before Max did. She doesn't like him but he still likes her and is always pining for her attention. " Yes Danielle?" He says in a annoyed tone, like he's being put out or something. Danielle rolls her eyes and let's out a small sigh of aggravation ". There is Someone here to see about the barista job". Turning to me she says " what was you name again?" The whole time they had been #quote on #quote " fighting" I was sitting there looking at my Instagram waiting like I do almost any time I'm bored. Then I hear Danielle talking to me and look up startled " What was that again?". " I said what was your name again " "Oh" I say blushing " it's Arline Herring". " Thanks I'm really bad with names". " Same" I say with a smile. Meanwhile Max is sitting there while we briefly chat. He is getting more annoyed by the minute. " Well Arline" rolling my name on he's tongue like a fine wine, " Come back to my office" he smirks. About an hour later I come out of there. I got the job, I think I did anyway. On my way out I run into Danielle who was on her way out to dinner with a couple of friends and boyfriend. " Oh hey Arline how did the interview go?" " it was really weird actually" I say running my hands over my face. " Oh no what did Max do this time?!" She says with big eyes. " Well I went into his so called office and asked me about my personal love #life like if I was in a relationship. I said yes and why?" Right there Danielle said " Omg don't tell him anything he's weird that way I was married to him for 5 months of my #life" . I was just about to answer when my boyfriend called. " Hey Arline want to come to dinner with us" said Danielle, "Sure but I have to call back my boyfriend and see what he wants first". "Ok be quick!". My boyfriend, he was so sweet and perfect, 6'0" with beautiful green eyes, tan skin, and short scruffy black hair. All together he is perfect. " Hi Isaac what's up" I say "Hey babe want to come over?" "Baby you know I love you but I just made plans to go out to dinner with a couple of friends" " Oh that sucks" He says sounding disappointed " Hey why don't you come we are going to The Mexicano to have some drinks and nachos" " Ok I'll meet you there" " ok baby" " oh and Isaac" " yes Arline?" "I have a stalker". As soon as we all get to The Mexicano in Manhattan, we all live in Manhattan by the way. I see Isaac and run to him. He is really upset " What the hell do you mean you have a stalker" I might have exaggerated a little but I won't tell him that. "look baby why don't we just go to dinner have a couple of drinks and then we can go to my house and talk about it". Isaac hesitates for a second, before saying, " Fine but if I see this person to night I will break his neck." So we have been at The Mexicano for a couple of hours with Danielle her boyfriend Cody Bowman who is 28, her friend Lorie Vang,Isaac, and my best friend Angie Green. All of the sudden I saw Max come into the bar. I grab Danielle and Angie and say we will be right back. We go into the ladies room. Angie is all " what the hell Ar" Danielle agrees. " look Ang I just saw Max my new manager that has a thing for me and is now stalking me". Danielle freaks out " Are you freaking serious " I start freaking out "yes". Omg I think I'm going to freak out" Angie has no idea what is going on so Danielle explains, Angie's eyes get really wife open " WTF AR ARE YOU OK!" " for now I think" Danielle stops freaking out and gets really pissed off all the sudden. " You need to tell Isaac that he's here" Angie nods " yea you better Arline its for your own good" I am really upset now " I was going to tell him later after he is in a good state". "Ok but you better" Danielle says " but remember this. If Max wants something, he won't stop until he gets it. "What's that supposed to mean" Angie yells. "shhhhhh it means if Max wants Arline he will stalk her until she gives in. Arline's pretty attractive. I would keep your Isaac with you or me or Angie ok ?" " Ok."I say even though it's not. "Wait I have an idea why don't I move in with you for now Arline we've done it before we will do it again! " Yea that's a great idea Angie" Danielle says " And I will make sure we have the same start time for work and I will drive you so you won't have to take the subway!" " Yea and Isaac can pick me up and we can go do something or whatever and drive me home" Wow you guys are great" I add " thanks for doing this for me" " Mo problem bestie" Angie says " sure thing"says Danielle " now all I have to do is tell Isaac. Chapter 2 I've never really thought of my self as attractive. I thought as I got ready for work. Angie was in the kitchen making scrambled eggs for breakfast. I mean pretty but I'm not any Rita Hayworth or Marylin Monroe. I have fair skin, freckles,dark brown eyes, and hip length, straight blonde hair, 5'6" I do pride my self in being fit, I'm a B cup. I'm not bad. But I'm not great. " Arline "Angie calls " I'll be right there" I yell as I put my hair into a messy bun and go into the kitchen where Angie is sitting at the bar wolfing down scrambled eggs and toast " is Danielle coming to pick you up" she asks between bites of egg. " I think so" " well I hope she does because I'm going to be late for work if I leave any later than 4 seconds from now I will be late." Angie is a hairstylist at Beehive Salon on my street like 3 blocks down. "Oh and that messy bun" she takes a bite of toast. "Is all wrong". " whatever not all of us can be as perfect as you Angela" she smiles and leaves. Just then as I'm putting on eyeliner with the liquid which is really hard to do by the way. I stop and let her in. "Hey" she says "sorry to startle you " it's fine" I say " I just have to finish putting on my makeup" " ok" she says. Danielle however looks like a super model with big grey eyes and shoulder length thick dark blonde hair. I come out of the bathroom when she asks me " how did it go with Isaac last night". I kind of smile a little bit. "actually well he's coming over tonight" I bite my lip with a smile. "Oh heavy date huh " she laughs".I guess you could say that Angie and her boyfriend well actually fiancé Adam are coming over for drinks and then we are all going down to Chinatown for cho main". " oh sounds fun". " You want to come you can bring Cody" " I would love to, but I can't me and Cody are going to a movie" "oh" I ask " so does that mean your going to sit in the back of the theater and make out" I prod with a smile " pretty much yup" she answers blushing". We arrived at work at 8:38 am 10 minutes early which in my book is pretty good I have a tendency to be late. Right then and there I see Max come into the room and smiling at me says " Oh Danielle you decided to show up" Who is this guy some kind of psychopath what is his problem so I decide to interject my self, Right choose right? Wrong. " Hey Max I just got here to what do you have to say about that huh?" Max smiles and laughs " You are new" He says reaching for my hand," You are much more likely to make mistakes then some one who has been working here for 2 YEARS!!. My shift was awful and horrible and I hate this Max character. GRRRRRRRRR WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME!!!!!!!!!. I tell Isaac about it on the way home we drive. " So how was work" he says when he picks me up. " Fine I guess" " how was this Max character" " weird" " Baby are you sure your ok?" " you know what Isaac can we call off the night with Angie and Adam I just want to stay home and maybe watch some I Love Lucy reruns on tv?" " sounds great babe." " great I'll call Ang and tell her to go without me" 2 hours later I'm in my old sweatpants, my old basketball pullover, and my slippers, Isaac is in his sweatpants and slippers and a little undershirt I made him wear. " let's see what's on tv huh Arline?" "Ok" I say I all the sudden have a large urge to kiss him. I give him a long Sensuous kiss, he gives me one back. I pull his undershirt up and over his head and run my hands along his ribs, he pulls my shirt off and unhooks my bra I bat his hand away before he can. Isaac is my world, my #life, my reason that I don't go crazy over this whole Max thing. And we kiss and watch Lucille Ball and Desi Arnez fight over silly little things like how the toast is cold and before I know it I'm asleep by his side in the queen bed and so is he. In the morning I wake up and call Danielle to not come over because Isaac will drive me. She says ok because it's your day off. This is great I can just hang around and do nothing in particular.i get out of bed and put in some skinny jeans from forever 21 and a nice long sleeved striped sweater and my loafers. When I get to the bathroom I decide to do something different to my eyes today I give myself a nice winged cats eye and some mascara. When I get to the kitchen Isaac is standing there making pancakes, " hey baby" he says with his crooked smile, " Hey" I say " Where is Angie?" I ask slightly baffled . " Oh she and Adam went down to the Pink Petal to grab a bite I guess they are doing some wedding planning today, she told me that if you have of work tomorrow to come and look at dresses with her" "ooh sounds like fun" I say. "Here have a pan cake" Isaac says giving me one with some blueberry syrup, " thanks" I manage to say after a bite. I give him a hug and a kiss."Hey Ar" "Yea", I tell him, "I'm taking you out to dinner tonight" I smile with a rush of pleasure, "Oh" I say, "where to?" He hesitates a moment, " to that little French bistro on 42nd street I think it's called Délicieux" " oh that sounds wonderful!". Later that day, which happened to be a Saturday , I put on a nice purple party dress, did my makeup and left. When we got there Isaac got really freaked out. "Baby what's wrong?" I ask "nothing" he says after we have had our dinner, Isaac asks me a question but I can't hear him because in came Max! I freak out." Isaac that's Max, the guy who is stalking me " quick call the police" " no" I say lets just leave" " fine" he says in a low growl. Chapter 3 We get to my house, he says wait. " yes" I say he gets on one knee and takes a little box

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