Hold Release, Rakshasa And Carcasses When I woke up, I found myself riding in a boat flowing down in a river. When I got myself off, a three legged cat greeted me, "shall we dance?". I found myself tied in a bunch of strings, and a numerous, colorful butterflies were tied in those strings. A koi swimming in a river, it turned itself into color white. Oh my, shall we dance with this rhythm? My, my, dance more and dance more! Oh my, oh my, grab it strongly and release it! My, my, I have hidden my painful pain. One, two, three, grasping. Four, five, six, release it powerfully. Everyone, everyone, let us dance beautifully. After walking an infinite distance, I found myself standing in front of a big door. And everyone was entering. "Teacher, what shall I do to enter this door?" "Oh, that is easy, just get rid of those butterflies!". Flowers are the best buys of these summer, the beautiful ones got sold and the ugly one were the odd one out. The ugly one was crying, but no one noticed it. Oh my, shall we laugh out loud as you can? My, my, just laugh till your heart's content! Oh my, oh my, I do not want this painful pain, so shall we release it strongly and let it go? One, two, three, grasp it strongly. Four, five, six, release it powerfully! Everyone, everyone, let us laugh till our heart's content. "Are you sure this isn't your business?" "Is this no more with your business?" "Are you ignoring other's pain?" "So, ignoring others miserable is the best choice?" " I do not care what happens to you!" My, oh my, let us become adults. My, my! This is the final good-bye! Oh my, oh my, my feelings are ill so throw them out! My, oh my! Jumping out of window! One two three, hold it strongly. Four five six, release it powerfully! Everyone, everyone, let us bid everyone good bye. So this is our goodbye!

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