Sweet Girl Part Three Chapter Three: 2000 “Put that camera away, she won’t appreciate it,” Carolina ordered Rian. “Eva will kill you for recording her daughters birth.” “Oh, come on, please let me try?” Rian begged, giving Carolina his old fashioned puppy face. “Just because she is a solder doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to relive the wonders of childbirth over and over.” Rian smiled. Carolina sighed and sat down next to Leon and Christine. “Okay...but, if she starts looking for something to choke, you get out of there, right away?” “Well, what do you think, Christine? Would, she kill me?” Rian scoffed and looked for a second opinion. “Its Chrissy, first of all. And, yeah, I think if you step inside that room, you’re as good as dead, but don’t worry. We’ll give you a soldiers funeral, you betcha.” Rian hugged Carolina and gave Chrissy an evil glare, and headed for room A16 in the birthing ward of the base hospital. Eva’s was the only one Rian couldn’t hear anything coming from yet. He opened the door, and quickly found out why. “Dude, no, put the camera away,” Luca said before Eva seen him. “If she knows you’re recording, she will eat you alive.” “Time of death, 161,” the doctor called, looking at his watch. Rian looked at the doctors other hand, and saw the baby. “What happened?? What happened to the baby??? Is Eva alright ?!?” Rian tried to fight past Luca, and just barely caught a glimpse of Eva, weeping in her bed, before security escorted him out. They practically threw him in the parking lot. Carolina, Chrissy and Leon demanded an explanation, and were quickly booted out as well. “What is going on? Who were those men?” Rian looked at the ground and dusted off his pants. Then he stood up and held his head high, just as any good solder did when they were defeated. “The baby died, but I didn't get a chance to find out why.” Rian didn’t wait for them to ask more questions, and instead started walking back to his on-base home. The three stayed the hospital that night, as if there was anything that they could do about the dead baby.

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