Traducciones   10 años

The Free Jew Bang! The screaming began; my poor sister was gone. I could hear the big black boots dragged away. Why would others kill us for what we are. Shouldn't we be equal. But no they had taken everything away from me. One by one taken each and every part of my family. My father was first they shot him right in front of me. My uncle paid others to keep the secret, i knew who had them. I wouldn't be next...I ran. The big black boots were a nightmare come true. Would you kill a young innocent person? I wish I was normal in a normal home away from the living hell. Crunch! Blink, blink my eyes flew opened where was I? I quickly recognised the floral pattern of Madame schuile. Why am I here I asked. She replied " you are such a handful. I'm so sorry about your sister" " what happened to her ? I panicked. " she was sent to aushwitz concentration camp and was shot once she got of train." " is tommy still alive" " No they buried him alive in the the church grave yard" " it was Leni, she told the Germans. I hate her she is a traitor I shouldn't trust any of you!" I shouted. Before she could react I ran. I rather be homeless then be handed to hell. I was lost in a place I was all alone with no one to help me. My sister was only four And a half and brother even younger. What cruel and mad person would do this only one person. Hitler! The one who forced people like me to wear yellow stars saying Jew , the one who killed my family and friends and the one who me into hiding. That cruel man will pay for the murders of innocent people like me. I would travel all the way to France on my own. Later that night I realised I had walked straight to the enemies heart.we will eradicate the Jews ,eradicate, eradicate the Jews chanted the Germans shouted! " You there what are you doing here, who are you ?" I replied I am Heidi gelber and I wish to see hitler." "Hitler is not to been seen by anyone but German officers and if you are a Jew you should just say you are!" "I am not a Jew" I quickly lied," my parents were killed by a bomb and the rest of my family is dead so I don't anywhere to go. So I thought hitler to help concidering he is in charge here. Unless you could help." " your lying!" Roared the soldier Bang! I was drifting, I knew at once what had happened at last I could be free, free from war, free from hitler's rage, free to be with my family, free to be where I belonged, free to be where my heart stopped beating. Whiteness of nothing spread before me. I was dead. I was a dead Jew.

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