çevirmek   10 yıllar önce

Sleeping beauty I haven't written in a while, Driven by the storms and swept by winds. These long days without a smile, Shuck and locked up in your cage. I don't know what I want from you, There's nothing left to say. But still listen to my none sense, For every word I mean in shame. A year has passed so elegantly, The pain like pin pricks on my skin. But I'm not going to surrender, I'm taking a step to our past, within. I refuse to let the waves steal me, With all the emotions I hide. I don't care that they say I'm crazy, It's my decision, it's me who decides. So listen to me, my first one, As I will not say it again. I love you and always will and have, Just tell me you'll stop our game. I've waited so long for you, I've never let you slip from my mind. I've learnt that when one is in love, They cling to anything left behind. But if you keep playing my heart, Like a harp with flimsy strings. I'll break and shatter into nothing, I'll never find my new beggining. Tell me nothing can come between us, Tell me fairy tales are all lies. Tell me you hate me, Tell me, this is goodbye. Because if you give me anything, Even a whisper or touch. I'll never let you go, I'll wait for centuries, not months. So please tell me you can't love me, I'd rather hear you lie. Then give me unpromised circumstances, Then grant me wishful glances, sighs. They say hope is all you need, But it only weighs me down like lead. It makes my heart go cold, It makes me believe you hold words unsaid. And that from this long dream I'll wake up, And you'll be there to wake me with a kiss. But I'm no sleeping beauty, I'm just a blind fool, growing old without your kiss.

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