A Whole New #life Part 2 Before you read this read number one on my site. I ran as fast as I could but the door was locked. I quickly ran upstairs to hide. "You tried to open the door didn't you well I locked it and know you will suffer and die" my mother shouted. "I can't see you but I can smell your sweat and I can hear you breathing" she shouted. Suddenly she pooped her face right at me. She knew I was there. I quickly ran back downstairs and broke the window. I was outside at last. But from outside I still heard her footsteps. I hated my mother for killing my father so I did something my mother would hate me for. I called the police. "Hello what is the problem here" the police officer asked. "Hello hello" I said. Know one was there. My mother must of done something. I heard my mother trying to find me but she couldn't. "You know you had no friends your father hated you that was a distraction" my mother told me still trying to find me. "Oh my father made you blind he always hated you" I told my mother and shouted. My mother went the direction we're she heard me. "I hated your father so I don't care" my mother screamed. I heard my mother shooting. I eventually ran away. Never seeing my mother again. I was on the airport going to Spain. I had to steal some money. But I didn't steal any. Until I found a handbag on the floor. I took all the money out. I did feel bad though. I was gazing at the persons Id it was my mothers id. I started panicking hopping my mother was follow me this whole time. I stole the money and went to the other side of the airport. I booked the soonest flight to go to Spain. I was on the plane. I asked who was coming on the plane. They did not say my mothers name. "Do you know If someone called penny Reid is going to Spain" I asked the pilot. "I don't know who is going to Spain why do you need to know" the pilot asked me. "No reason" I told the pilot. Penny Reid was my mothers name. I sat at my seat waiting to go to Spain. When I saw my mothers handbag I as well stole her phone.On the plane was Internet. So I decided to search jobs for 15 year olds. Because I needed one. One Job I wanted to take It was being a bread seller at spar. Spar is a shop. You get lots of money in 1 hour you get 16 pounds. It said counting with tax. I knew what that was. I am smart just I don't act smart At school. I know what tax is. When i got off the plane I had no luggage because I ran away from the house not taking anything. I will have to sleep at spar. I emailed spar to ask for the Job they said yes. First day working at spar. I knew nothing about bread. So it was a disaster. "Can I please have slama bread" a stranger asked me. I was trying to pretend I knew everything And that I knew all the breads but I didn't. "Here you go" I gave the bread to them. "That's not slama bread" the stranger pointed out. "I am so sorry but what is slama bread" "The one to the left with those dots" "This one" I pointed at "Yes correct" the stranger told me. I always write down what kind of bread is were. So that I don't make the strangers stressed.

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