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Truth Or Dare? (An RP I Did On Pocket Writers) Chapter one- THE FORMS- (This is an RP I did on Pocket Writers. I will paste everyone's chapter on here.) Truth or Dare? That's the question you will all be asking at a nights sleepover at my parents beach house. Good luck keeping your secrets together... My forms- (Must read both) Name: Drôle (Pronounced- Dro- le) (Means Funny in French) Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Drôle has an athletic, muscular body that is tanned and shines in the sun. His wavy, ebony hair covers most of his eyes. His eyes are the color of the ocean after a storm, it reflects most things. has strong legs, arms and torso, he has long, piano fingers. Personality: Drôle is quite a mystery, he rarely reveals himself and is quiet. When he does speak it's usually to correct you, he may seem rude or forlorn, but really he's a sweetheart! Secret: Drôle lost his best friend from France in a car crash when he lived there. Crush: None. Extra: Him and Lumière are twins. Name: Lumière (Light in French) Age:17 Gender: Female Appearance: Lumière has pin-straight, ebony-black hair that falls to her midback and sometimes covers her right eye. She has ivory skin and she stands at 6'0". She has sparkly blue eyes framed by long thick eyelashes, full lips, straight white teeth. She is skinny but has curves. Personality: Lumière is a quiet, shy girl, but will speak her mind around people she trusts, she is a sweet and gentle girl who is willing to help anyone. Secret: Was raped by her babysitter in France, hasn't told anyone outside of France about it, she was then stalked by a older man demanding her to give out personal information. Crush: None. Extra: Her and Drôle are twins. I Set Fire To The Rain's Form- Name: Abigail (Abby) Hudson Age: 17 Gender: female Appearance: long white hair, icy blue eyes, pale skin, tall, slim body, pretty. Personality: kind, caring, secretive, intelligent, a little shy, loyal, trustworthy. Secret: she has a massive crush on Drole (sorry if I spelt it wrong). And finally she witnessed someone being kidnapped but she was too afraid to tell anyone. Crush: Drole (again I can't spell that good) Extra: allergic to shoe polish LightAgeBandit's Form- Name: Jackson "Tinker" Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Tinker has short-cropped brown hair that he gels into a single spike at the front, he has deep chocolate brown eyes that look almost black, he has lightly tanned skin, and he is tall, and built like a swimmer Personality: Tinker is very rebellious and can be a joker. He can be kind at times, but also reckless and playful, in a bad way. He is very loud, and can be obnoxious. Secret: He has a crush on Lumière Crush: Lumière The Doctors Companion's Form- Name: Evangeline Lutece Age: 17 (must be) Gender: F Appearance: She has long auburn hair that falls in waves midway down her back, she has pale blue eyes with hints of grey hidden within, she's 5"5 and slim. Fair skin with faint freckles along her cheekbones. Personality: She's a bookworm and spends most of her free time indoors, but she does enjoy sports and can be rather competitive but she hides that with her quiet side. She's intelligent and sometimes witty. Secret: She lives with her sister due to her parents ditching them when she was eight. Crush: To Be Decided. Extra: On some nights she'll sit outside and read. Jessie's Form- name• Derrick Jones Cooper Age• 17 Looks• light brown hair that he spikes up with gel, Hazel eyes tinted with gold. Has a crooked smile and a slight stubble, he has a strong jawline as he is somebody who works out a lot. Personality• always happy and looks at the positives, but when angered he can go crazy mad. All-round a really nice guy until you piss him off. Crush?• anyone Secret• accidentally set his house on fire - trying to cook - killing his mother and little sister. One Last Hope's Form- Name: Chantal Bleak Age: 17 (must be) Gender: F Appearance: Mid-Back length candle lit blond hair, Electric blue eyes, Slightly tanned skin, Cherry red lips, Slim, Fit gymnastics body, Short, Purple crop top that shows her belly button, Black jeans with a golden belt, Black lace up boots with a small heel, Has a 'Be strong' necklace. Personality: Kind, Loving, Crazy, Fun, Optimistic. Secret: Her mother gave her the 'Be strong' necklace the day before she died in the car crash. Crush: Open! Summer Times Girl's Form- Name: Amelia Daniel Roberts Age: 17 (must be) Gender: F Appearance: Short curly thick blonde hair with sky blue eyes Personality: Clusmy daydreamer, says things out load when thinking, out of the blue, awkward, shy at first Secret: (Nothing extreme) Nearly burnt down her house when she was in 6 Crush: (no one) Extra: Has an older brother Arthur who she teases Masked Beauty's Form- (the last form) Name: Cendre (means cinder or ash in French) Age: 17 Gender: female Appearance: firery red hair, dark grey/blue eyes, pale (clear) skin, short, skinny, overall strong appearance due to being a dancer Personality: Friendly, slightly more reserved than the rest of the group, strong, clever, is quiet but when she speaks you want to hear it, kind, caring, sweet, tomboyish (emphasize ish!) Secret: Cendre had a sister named Aimée (Aimée means much loved) who died in car crash on the way to the hospital, she had cancer so everyone thinks that's how she died. Crush: Drôle? Extra: Cendre is a dancer but she won't dance for you if you ask her to because she gets to carried away. She also loves to read. Cendre was born in France but moved here not long after Aimée passed away. Has a strong French accent. Loves skateboarding/long boarding. First chapter- Drôle (Written by me) Driving down a dirt road, I glanced in the rearview mirror at three of my best friends: Abigail, 'Tinker' and Evangeline chatting excitedly among themselves, Lumière sat beside me, silently looking ahead. Derrick and Chantal had decided to take another car incase we didn't have enough seats. We didn't. "Drôle?" Lumière asked, looking up at me innocently, her accent still strong. "Yeah?" I kept my eyes on the road, my accent also strong. "Do you think Derrick and Chantal could be a couple?" She questioned, beginning to giggle. The others had turned their attention to our conversation. "Maybe." I chuckled and everyone began to talk again. Lumière and I had been in America for seven years now, we had to leave after what happened with us. Our family beach house came into view. Once we had parked, we decided to leave unpacking for tonight, instead we went inside. "Lets play Truth or Dare!" Lumière shouted excitedly. Despite my pleas, she dragged us all into a circle. "Alright who should go first?" Lumière against, shouted. Second Chapter- Amelia (Written by Summer Time Girl) "Me! Me! Me!" I said raising my hand in the air. I had a big grin on my face. I just love Truth or Dare. It was fun hearing secrets even if no one told me since I was a blabber mouth. "Okay Amelia you can go." "Let's see." I said and tapped my chin. I looked around the circle. There were so many...oh I know. "Drole, Truth or Dare." I said and pointed toward him. I had a Truth and a Dare picked out for him. The dare her older brother used on her. Chapter three- Lumière (Written by me) I smiled, knowing exactly what Drôle would choose, he would choose... "Dare. Secrets are meant to be kept." Drôle shot me a worried glance, before grinning back at the group. I nudge him on the elbow, glaring at him harshly. He nods and returns to the group. "Well, Amelia, what's my dare?" Drôle questioned, confidently leaning back on his hands. Chapter four- Amelia (Written by Summer Time Girl) Amelia smirked. There were ways of getting secrets out through dares. She saved the one her brother used another time she had a perfect one. "I dare you to tell a secret." I told him. My bright blue eyes stared at him. "Still confident?" I asked, tilting my head at him. Still slightly smirking. I love Truth or Dare. Chapter Five- Drôle (Me) I stop smiling, instantly, my expression drops completely. "Umm... Okay?" I gulp silently. "I hate pickles." I say, knowing that everyone already knows that. "We know that!" Amelia shrieks happily, knowing she has me in a spotlight that I do not want to be in. "Fine." I sigh. "Drôle! You can't!" Lumière shouts, her eyes widening. "I have to... None of you, except Lumière, know this, it happened back in France. I was only ten at the time, I didn't have many friends. Only one, her name was Pleurer, which means cry in French. One night when her mother was out, her older brother wanted some junk food, although he had been drinking he didn't really think it would be a big deal, it was. He lost control, hit a tree, killing Pleurer. I had no friends, after that we moved here." I explain, not looking at anyone. "Drôle..." Lumière begins talking in rapid French. Everyone looks baffled by what I had just said. "Truth or Dare, Abigail?" I question still not looking at anyone. Abigail- I Set Fire To The Rain. I was staring into space. "Uh...Abby?" Drole said, poking my shoulder. I instantly snapped out of my day dream. "Yeah?" I mumbled. "Truth or dare?" He asked. "Err...dare." I smiled. Secrets are things that should never be told. Dares, however, are fun and exciting.

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