Translate   9 years ago

Once upon a time there was 3 girls called Sophie,Lucy and Chloe,they had to go all the way to Paris to look after there aunt Sally's house,but what the girls didn't no was the house was haunted. When the girls got into the haunted house Sophie found a newspaper at the fire place Sophie said "hey guys look at this" so Chloe and Lucy ran over and Chloe said"Sophie read the bottom of the newspaper " so Sophie said"it seems on the 25th April the house shakes and all ghosts appear " so the girls called there mum and said"aunt Sally never told us that on the 25th April the house shakes and all ghosts appear " there mum said"your only there for 3weeks "she paused and then said"oh girls 2 nights before you come home is the 25th April "the girls put the phone down and Lucy said"well what are we going to do for 3weeks" the girls went upstairs and unpacked. After the girls unpacked they went to bed,in the morning the awoke and went downstairs to find there breakfast on a table Sophie shouted"did one of you guys put breakfast on the table" Chloe and Lucy said"no did you" so the girls went downstairs and ate their breakfast. Later that day the girls thought they would go shopping because they had no food left in the house and their aunt Sally gave them £40.00 each and their mum gave them £50.00 each so all together they had £270.00 to spend shopping when the girls got back Chloe said"why don't we make a rota for chores so we can make aunt Sally's house beautiful and clean for a welcome home gift" Lucy and Sophie said"that sounds like a great idea " and then the girls got on with the rota had their tea and went to bed the next morning was 25th April and Chloe awoke and whispers "girls its the 25th April and the house is shaking "so the girls ran down stairs and found a letter at the door so Lucy read it and said"hey look we're going home tonight " Sophie said"let's have breakfast and then pack our bags because aunt Sally is coming back at 120pm and its 11:30 now so we have half an hour" so the girls had their breakfast and went home. Thank you I hope you enjoyed reading My story The end

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