Translate   9 years ago

Okay so this story is going to be about slenderman so if you're not into this type of stuff don't read it Chapter 2 Trina's pov I walked in the woods feeling like something was drawing me in. I sang quietly to myself to pass the time though it didn't seem quiet since the woods echoed. I couldn't help but notice how beautiful everything here was. 'What did dad mean creepy? It seems normal so far...' Slenderman's pov I was walking in my woods and doing rounds like usual until I heard something. Singing? Who dares to come into my woods...that does sound beautiful though... I followed the music and came across a girl. 'Shes beautiful...' She must have noticed someone watching and turned before I could hide. Trina's pov I turned hearing something behind me and gasped seeing a tall figure in a suit. I read about him and about what he had done. I backed away "y-you're..." He nodded at me. "Yes I'm slenderman. What is your name child?" I glared at the name. "I'm not a child I'm 16 and it's Trina..." He nodded and I thought I saw something like a smile. "What are you doing around here anyway child?" I sighed. "My dad was getting my things in my room and told me to come out here...said it was creepy but you don't seem creepy..." He chuckled. "I could be. Now you should leave before I do." I nodded getting creeped out. "Okay I'm gone but I'll see you at some point." I smirked and ran out of the forest.

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