Translate   9 years ago

Author thing: so I'll be updating this as time goes on Chapter 1 Trina's pov I stared excitedly out of the car window. The new house can't be far from the beginning of the town right? How wrong I was. The new house was pretty much on the edge of town and had these creepy looking woods next to it. I hear my dad getting my attention and looked at him. "Well this is it Trina! What do you think?" I stepped out of the car and looked up at the old house and smiled. "It looks old but in a cool way." He chuckles. "That's my girl. Let's go check it out." He got out and smiled at me then started going up to the front door. I smiled and eagerly followed. He opened the door and I smiled even more than I thought possible. "This looks awesome dad!" He smiled at me. "I knew you would like it once I saw it." I smiled and looked upstairs then back at my dad. He smiled and nodded. "Go ahead. Explore it." I smiled and went upstairs and looked around. I found the master bedroom for my dad and then saw a room the was almost bigger than that and smiled. "Is this my room..?" My dad had followed me and nodded. "Yup. All yours. I figured you would like a large room." I smiled and hugged him. "You're the best." He smiled. "Your things are in the truck I'll go get them okay?" I nodded and smiled. "I'll help you if you want" he shook his head. "I'll be alright. Why don't you go explore the woods? I've heard there's creepy things in there" I smiled and nodded going out the back door and waving to him as I left. 'Well this should be fun'.

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